
Critical translation studies


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Douglas Robinson has been busy. This is his second book this year and the second to deal with the work of Naoki Sakai (see also Robinson, 2017). Robinson's move to Hong Kong in 2010 has led to a period of productivity and to a consideration of scholars working on translation from outside of translation studies, particularly Sakai, but also Lydia Liu and Jon Solomon. Robinson draws from these three scholars' work in his new Critical Translation Studies, which posits, as he writes, 'a school of thought about translation that doesn't exist' (ix): critical translation studies. This 'school' is constructed around dismantling and problematising notions of translation, with Liu (1995, 2004, as well as the collection Liu, 1999) working predominantly on China and Sakai on Japan in moments when national language and national identity were in the process of forming. This historical background is important to understanding their approaches. Sakai sees the creation of what he calls the 'regime of translation' (Sakai, 1997, p. 17), a historical constructed understanding of translation, linked to national languages and what he calls 'homolingual address', where the speaker assumes a homogenous audience of other speakers of that language (Sakai, 1997, p. 8).
机译:道格拉斯·罗宾逊(Douglas Robinson)一直很忙。这是他今年的第二本书,也是处理酒井直树作品的第二本书(另见罗宾逊,2017年)。鲁滨逊(Robinson)于2010年移居香港,这导致了一段生产力,并考虑了翻译研究以外的学者,特别是酒井(Sakai)以及Lydia Liu和Jon Solomon。罗宾逊在他的新《批判翻译研究》中借鉴了这三位学者的工作,正如他所写的那样,他提出了“一个不存在的翻译思想流派”(ix):批判翻译研究。这所“学校”是围绕翻译的概念的解构和问题化而构建的,在民族语言和民族认同正在发展的时刻,刘(1995,2004,以及刘,1999)的收藏主要在中国和日本的酒井工作。成型。这一历史背景对于理解他们的方法很重要。 Sakai看到了他所谓的“翻译制度”的建立(Sakai,1997,第17页),这是对翻译的历史建构理解,与本国语言联系在一起,他称之为“同住地址”,说话者假定同质其他使用该语言的人的听众(Sakai,1997,第8页)。



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