首页> 外文期刊>Personal and Ubiquitous Computing >An EyeTap video-based featureless projective motion estimation assisted by gyroscopic tracking for wearable computer mediated reality

An EyeTap video-based featureless projective motion estimation assisted by gyroscopic tracking for wearable computer mediated reality


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In this paper we present a computationally economical method of recovering the projective motion of head mounted cameras or EyeTap devices, for use in wearable computer-mediated reality. The tracking system combines featureless vision and inertial methods in a closed loop system to achieve accurate robust head tracking using inexpensive sensors. The combination of inertial and vision techniques provides the high accuracy visual registration needed for fitting computer graphics onto real images and the robustness to large interframe camera motion due to fast head rotations. Operating on a 1.2 GHz Pentium III wearable computer with graphics accelerated hardware, the system is able to register live video images with less than 2 pixels of error (0.3 degrees) at 12 frames per second. Fast image registration is achieved by offloading computer vision computation onto the graphics hardware, which is readily available on many wearable computer systems. As an application of this tracking approach, we present a system which allows wearable computer users to share views of their current environments that have been stabilised to another viewer's head position.
机译:在本文中,我们提出了一种经济实用的方法来恢复可穿戴式计算机介导的现实中使用的头戴式摄像机或EyeTap设备的投影运动。跟踪系统在闭环系统中结合了无特征的视觉和惯性方法,从而使用廉价的传感器实现了精确而稳定的头部跟踪。惯性和视觉技术的结合提供了将计算机图形拟合到真实图像上所需的高精度视觉配准,以及由于头部快速旋转而对大型帧间相机运动的鲁棒性。该系统在具有图形加速硬件的1.2 GHz Pentium III可穿戴计算机上运行,​​能够以每秒12帧的速度记录小于2个像素(0.3度)的实时视频图像。通过将计算机视觉计算卸载到图形硬件上可以实现快速的图像配准,这在许多可穿戴计算机系统上都可以轻松获得。作为这种跟踪方法的一种应用,我们提出了一个系统,该系统允许可穿戴计算机的用户共享已稳定到另一个查看者头部位置的当前环境的视图。



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