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Implementing RSA for sensor nodes in smart cities


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In smart city construction, wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are normally deployed to collect and transmit real-time data. The nodes of the WSN are embedded facility that integrated sensors and data processing modules. For security and privacy concerns, cryptography methods are required for data protection. However, the Rivest-Shamir-Adleman (RSA) cryptosystem, known as the the most popular and deployed public key algorithm, is still hardly implemented on embedded devices because of the intense computation required from its inherent arithmetic operations. Even though, different methods have being proposed for more efficient RSA implementations such as utilizing the Chinese remainder theorem, various modular exponentiation methods, and optimized modular arithmetic methods. In this paper, we propose an efficient multiplication for long integers on the sensor nodes equipped with 16-bit microcontrollers. Combined with this efficient multiplication, we obtain a faster Montgomery multiplication. The combined optimized Montgomery multiplication, the Chinese remainder theorem, and the m-ary exponentiation method allowed for execution times of less than 44.6 × 10~6 clock cycles for RSA decryption, a new speed record for the RSA implementation on MSP430 microcontrollers.
机译:在智慧城市建设中,通常会部署无线传感器网络(WSN)来收集和传输实时数据。 WSN的节点是集成了传感器和数据处理模块的嵌入式工具。出于安全和隐私考虑,需要使用加密方法来保护数据。但是,由于其固有的算术运算需要大量的计算,因此被称为最流行和部署最广泛的公钥算法的Rivest-Shamir-Adleman(RSA)密码系统仍然很难在嵌入式设备上实现。即使为更有效的RSA实现提出了不同的方法,例如利用中文余数定理,各种模块化的幂运算方法和优化的模块化算术方法。在本文中,我们建议在配备16位微控制器的传感器节点上对长整数进行有效乘法。结合这种有效的乘法,我们可以获得更快的蒙哥马利乘法。结合优化的蒙哥马利乘法,中文余数定理和m乘幂方法,用于RSA解密的执行时间少于44.6×10〜6个时钟周期,这是在MSP430微控制器上实现RSA的新速度记录。



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