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A Hardy–Littlewood integral inequality on finite intervals with a concave weight


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We prove: For all concave functions ( w: [a,b] rightarrow [0,infty )) and for all functions (f in C^2[a,b]) with (f(a)=f(b)=0) we have $$begin{aligned} left( int _{a}^{b} w(x) f^{prime }(x)^2 ,dx right) ^2 le left( int _{a}^{b} w(x) f(x)^2 ,dx right) left( int _{a}^{b} w(x)f^{prime prime }(x)^2 ,dxright) . end{aligned}$$Moreover, we determine all cases of equality. Keywords Integral inequality HELP-type inequality Concave weight function Mathematics Subject Classification 26D10 26D15 Page %P Close Plain text Look Inside Reference tools Export citation EndNote (.ENW) JabRef (.BIB) Mendeley (.BIB) Papers (.RIS) Zotero (.RIS) BibTeX (.BIB) Add to Papers Other actions Register for Journal Updates About This Journal Reprints and Permissions Share Share this content on Facebook Share this content on Twitter Share this content on LinkedIn Related Content Supplementary Material (0) References (17) References1.V.F. Babenko, N.P. Korneichuk, V.A. Kofanov, S.A. Pichugov, Inequalities for Derivatives and their Applications (Naukova Dumka, Kiev, 2003)2.V.I. Berdyshev, The best approximation in ( L(0,infty ) ) to the differentiation operator. Mat. Zametki 5, 477–481 (1971)3.H.J. Bremermann, Complex convexity. Trans. Am. Math. Soc. 82, 17–51 (1956)MATHMathSciNetCrossRef4.W.D. Evans, W.N. Everitt, HELP inequalities for limit-circle and regular problems. Proc. R. Soc. London Ser. A 432, 367–390 (1991)MATHMathSciNetCrossRef5.W.N. Everitt, On an extension to an integro-differential inequality of Hardy, Littlewood and Pólya. Proc. R. Soc. Edinb., 69, 295–333 (1971/1972)6.G.H. Hardy, J.E. Littlewood, Some integral inequalities connected with the calculus of variations. Q. J. Math, Oxford Ser. 2 3, 241–252 (1932)CrossRef7.G.H. Hardy, J.E. Littlewood, G. Pólya, Inequalities (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1934)8.T. Kato, On an inequality of Hardy, Littlewood and Pólya. Adv. Math. 7, 217–218 (1971)MATHCrossRef9.M.K. Kwong, A. Zettl, An extension of the Hardy–Littlewood inequality. Proc. Am. Math. Soc. 77, 117–118 (1979)MATHMathSciNetCrossRef10.M.K. Kwong, A. Zettl, Remarks on best constants for norm inequalities among powers of an operator. J. Approx. Theory 26(3), 249–258 (1979)MATHMathSciNetCrossRef11.M.K. Kwong, A. Zettl, Norm inequalities of product form in weighted (L^p) spaces. Proc. R. Soc. Edinb. 89A, 293–307 (1981)MathSciNetCrossRef12.M.K. Kwong, A. Zettl, Norm Inequalities for Derivatives and Differences, Lecture Notes in Mathematics 1536. (Springer, New York, 1992)13.M.K. Kwong, A. Zettl, An alternate proof of Kato’s inequality. Evolution Equations. Lecture Notes in Pure and Applied Mathematics, vol. 234 (Dekker, New York, 2003), pp. 275–27914.C. Niculescu, L.-E. Persson, Convex Functions and Their Applications, CMS Books in Mathematics, vol 23 (Springer, New York, 2006)15.A.W. Roberts, D.E. Varberg, Convex Functions (Academic Press, New York, 1973)MATH16.H.L. Royden, P.M. Fitzpatrick, Real Analysis, 4th edn. (Prentice Hall, Boston, 2010)MATH17.E.C. Titchmarsh, The Theory of Functions (Oxford University Press, London, 1939)MATH About this Article Title A Hardy–Littlewood integral inequality on finite intervals with a concave weight Journal Periodica Mathematica Hungarica Volume 71, Issue 2 , pp 184-192 Cover Date2015-12 DOI 10.1007/s10998-015-0096-x Print ISSN 0031-5303 Online ISSN 1588-2829 Publisher Springer Netherlands Additional Links Register for Journal Updates Editorial Board About This Journal Manuscript Submission Topics Mathematics, general Keywords Integral inequality HELP-type inequality Concave weight function 26D10 26D15 Authors Horst Alzer (1) Man Kam Kwong (2) Author Affiliations 1. Morsbacher Str. 10, 51545, Waldbröl, Germany 2. Department of Applied Mathematics, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hunghom, Hong Kong Continue reading... To view the rest of this content please follow the download PDF link above.
机译:我们证明:对于所有凹函数(w:[a,b] rightarrow [0,infty))和所有函数(C ^ 2 [a,b]中的f)具有(f(a)= f(b)= 0)我们有$$ begin {aligned} left(int _ {a} ^ {b} w(x)f ^ {prime}(x)^ 2,dx right)^ 2 le left(int _ {a} ^ {b} w(x)f(x)^ 2,dx right)左(int _ {a} ^ {b} w(x)f ^ {prime prime}(x)^ 2,dxright)。 end {aligned} $$此外,我们确定所有相等的情况。积分不等式HELP型不等式凹面权重函数数学学科分类26D10 26D15页%P关闭纯文本查阅内部参考工具导出引用EndNote(.ENW)JabRef(.BIB)Mendel ey(.BIB)论文(.RIS)Zotero(.RIS)BibTeX(.BIB)添加到论文其他操作注册期刊更新关于本期刊转载和许可分享在Facebook上分享此内容在Twitter上分享此内容LinkedIn相关内容补充材料(0)参考(17)参考1.VF巴宾科(N.P.)科尔涅丘克(V.A.)科法诺夫(S.A. Pichugov),《衍生物的不等式及其应用》(Naukova Dumka,基辅,2003年)2。 Berdyshev,(L(0,infty))与微分算子的最佳近似。垫。 Zametki 5,477–481(1971)3.H.J。布雷默曼,复凸度。反式上午。数学。 Soc。 82,17–51(1956)MATHMathSciNetCrossRef4.W.D。埃文斯(Evans),埃弗里特(E.Witt),极限圆和常规问题的不等式。程序R. Soc。伦敦系列A 432,367–390(1991)MATHMathSciNetCrossRef5.W.N。 Everitt,关于Hardy,Littlewood和Pólya的积分微分不等式的扩展。程序R. Soc。 Edinb。69,295-333(1971/1972)6.G.H。 Hardy,J.E。Littlewood,一些积分不等式与变异演算有关。 Q. J. Math,牛津大学2 3,241–252(1932)CrossRef7.G.H。 Hardy,J.E. Littlewood,G.Pólya,不等式(剑桥大学出版社,剑桥,1934年)8。加藤,关于哈代,利特伍德和波利亚的不平等现象。进阶数学。 7,217–218(1971)MATHCrossRef9.M.K。 w A. Zettl,《 Hardy–Littlewood不等式的扩展》。程序上午。数学。 Soc。 77,117–118(1979)MATHMathSciNetCrossRef10.M.K。 w A. Zettl,Kwong,关于运营商权力之间范数不等式的最佳常数。 J.约理论26(3),249–258(1979)MATHMathSciNetCrossRef11.M.K。 Kwong,A. Zettl,加权(L ^ p)空间中产品形式的范数不等式。程序R. Soc。爱丁堡89A,293-307(1981)MathSciNetCrossRef12.M.K。 Kwong,A。Zettl,导数和差的范数不等式,数学讲义1536。(纽约,Springer,1992年)13.M.K。 w A. Zettl,是加藤不平等现象的另一种证明。演化方程。 《纯数学和应用数学》讲义,第1卷。 234(Dekker,纽约,2003年),第275–27914页。尼古列斯库(L.-E.) Persson,凸函数及其应用,CMS数学书籍,第23卷(纽约,Springer,2006)15.A.W.罗伯茨Varberg,凸函数(Academic Press,纽约,1973)罗伊登(Royden) Fitzpatrick,《真实分析》,第4版。 (波士顿,Prentice Hall,2010年)。 Titchmarsh,函数理论(牛津大学出版社,伦敦,1939年)MATH关于本文标题具有有限权重的有限区间上的Hardy-Littlewood积分不等式Journal Periodica Mathematica Hungarica第71卷,第2期,第184-192页,封面日期2015-12 DOI 10.1007 / s10998-015-0096-x打印ISSN 0031-5303在线ISSN 1588-2829出版商Springer荷兰其他链接注册期刊更新编辑委员会关于本期刊论文投稿主题数学,常规关键字积分不等式HELP型不等式凹面权重函数26D10 26D15作者Horst Alzer(1)文锦光(2)作者所属组织1.莫斯巴赫大街10,51545,Waldbröl,Germany 2.香港理工大学应用数学系,香港红hom继续阅读...要查看本内容的其余部分,请点击上面的下载PDF链接。



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