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Incentivizing Peer-Assisted Services: A Fluid Shapley Value Approach


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A new generation of content delivery networks for live streaming, video on demand, and software updates takes advantage of a peer-to-peer architecture to reduce their operating cost. In contrast with previous uncoordinated peer-to-peer schemes, users opt-in to dedicate part of the resources they own to help the content delivery, in exchange for receiving the same service at a reduced price. Such incentive mechanisms are appealing, as they simplify coordination and accounting. However, they also increase a user's expectation that she will receive a fair price for the resources she provides. Addressing this issue carefully is critical in ensuring that all interested parties-including the provider-are willing to participate in such a system, thereby guaranteeing its stability.rnIn this paper, we take a cooperative game theory approach to identify the ideal incentive structure that follows the axioms formulated by Lloyd Shapley. This ensures that each player, be it the provider or a peer, receives an amount proportional to its contribution and bargaining power when entering the game. In general, the drawback of this ideal incentive structure is its computational complexity. However, we prove that as the number of peers receiving the service becomes large, the Shapley value received by each player approaches a fluid limit. This limit follows a simple closed form expression and can be computed in several scenarios of interest: by applying our technique, we show that several peer-assisted services, deployed on both wired and wireless networks, can benefit from important cost and energy savings with a proper incentive structure that follows simple compensation rules.
机译:用于实时流,视频点播和软件更新的新一代内容交付网络利用对等体系结构来降低其运营成本。与以前的不协调对等方案相反,用户选择专用于自己拥有的部分资源来帮助内容交付,以换取以较低的价格接收相同的服务。这种激励机制很有吸引力,因为它们简化了协调和核算。但是,它们也增加了用户对她将为其提供的资源获得公平价格的期望。认真解决这个问题对于确保所有相关方(包括提供者)都愿意参与这样的系统,从而保证其稳定性至关重要。在本文中,我们采用合作博弈的方法来确定随后的理想激励结构。劳埃德·沙普利(Lloyd Shapley)制定的公理。这样可以确保每个玩家(无论是提供者还是对等玩家)在进入游戏时都获得与其贡献和讨价还价能力成正比的金额。通常,这种理想激励结构的缺点是其计算复杂性。但是,我们证明,随着接受该服务的对等方数量的增加,每个玩家所接收到的Shapley值将接近浮动极限。该限制遵循一个简单的封闭式表达式,并且可以在几种感兴趣的情况下进行计算:通过应用我们的技术,我们表明,部署在有线和无线网络上的若干对等协助服务可以通过节省大量成本和能源而受益。遵循简单补偿规则的适当激励结构。



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