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God’s Gender Confusion: Some Polymorphously Perverse Pastoral Theology


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Many Christians today are unaware of the historical debates concerning God’s body. For this reason, I believe that there is a pastoral payoff, especially for men, in reminding ourselves about such questions. By talking about God’s own gender confusion, it is my intention to offer support to men who actually are confused about their gender, while, at the same time, it is also my intention to confuse other men who might be a little too certain and a little too rigid about their own gender, gender roles, and sexuality. My argument goes something like this: God is gender confused and has made some rather poor decisions in the midst of this confusion, but, if, however, God were able to accept a wider range of masculinities and sexualities, especially in himself, God would be much better off—as also would contemporary American Christian men. Put another way, if contemporary American Christian men who relate to the Bible were to become aware of the problems of gender and sexuality in the Bible, particularly regarding God’s body, perhaps this would give them permission to ask questions about their own bodies, genders, and sexualities. And such questions are especially needed as churches begin to face new questions regarding gender, such as what to think about transgendered pastors like the Reverend Drew Phoenix, as well as and what to think about the fate of diagnosing gender in the forthcoming Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM – V), which has medical and financial—and, therefore, pastoral—implications.
机译:今天的许多基督徒都没有意识到有关神的身体的历史性辩论。因此,我相信在提醒自己有关此类问题的过程中,尤其是对于男性而言,这是一种田园的回报。通过谈论上帝自己的性别混乱,我打算为实际上对性别感到困惑的男人提供支持,同时,我的意图是混淆其他可能过于确定和怀疑的男人。他们对自己的性别,性别角色和性行为的态度不太严格。我的论点是这样的:上帝对性别感到困惑,并且在这种困惑中做出了一些相当糟糕的决定,但是,如果上帝能够接受更广泛的男性气质和性行为,特别是在他自己内,上帝会情况会好得多,当代美国基督教徒也是如此。换句话说,如果与圣经相关的当代美国基督教徒要意识到圣经中的性别和性问题,特别是关于上帝的身体,也许这将使他们得以提出有关自己的身体,性别,和性行为。当教会开始面临有关性别的新问题时,尤其需要这些问题,例如对即将到来的变性牧师(如牧师德鲁·菲尼克斯)的看法,以及即将出版的《诊断与统计手册》中对性别诊断的命运的看法精神疾病(DSM – V),具有医学和财务上的意义,因此具有牧区的含义。



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