
Academic Librarianship: A Crisis or an Opportunity?


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“Academic Librarianship: A Crisis or an Opportunity?" was a one day symposium held atnthe University of Toronto on November 18, 2011. The symposium provided a forum fornstakeholders to consider recent troubling events and developments in the academicnlibrary community. The hiring of postdoctoral fellows at McMaster University to replacenlibrarians, the strike by professional librarians at University of Western Ontario in 2011nand threats to the academic freedom of librarians at McGill University have all served asnbellwethers and have been rich topics for debate of late. The symposium was intendednto provide an opportunity to bring more coherence to the discourse and to considernfurther initiatives, increased activism, and to begin a process for providing greaternleadership around issues relating to academic librarians and academic librarianship.nThe day was organized around a series of panels. A number of key stakeholders spokento specific themes: 1) the role of national and provincial labour organizations and localnfaculty associations; 2) trends and challenges in education and curriculum at librarynschools; 3) the role of library associations and professional accreditation; and 4)nlibrarians on the front lines. The symposium emerged with a clear call to action: that it isntime to become more pro-active in a collective manner, and to use the tremendousninterest generated by this event as an opportunity to seek solutions to the challengesnfacing academic librarianship in Canada. There was overwhelming support for thencreation of a virtual forum to continue the discourse and to bring in those who areninterested and willing to become engaged but who were unable to participate in thensymposium.
机译:2011年11月18日在多伦多大学举行了为期一天的专题讨论会,主题是“学术图书馆管理:危机还是机遇?”,该论坛为利益相关者提供了一个论坛,供他们考虑学术图书馆界最近的麻烦事件和发展。在麦克马斯特大学(McMaster University)取代图书馆员之后,2011年西安大略大学专业图书馆员的罢工以及对麦吉尔大学图书馆员学术自由的威胁,一直是人们讨论的话题,并成为最近辩论的热门话题。当天围绕一系列专题讨论会进行了讨论,许多关键的利益相关者针对特定主题进行了讨论。 :1)国家和省的作用l劳工组织和地方教师协会; 2)图书馆学校在教育和课程方面的趋势和挑战; 3)图书馆协会和专业认证的作用;和4)前线的图书馆员。座谈会以明确的行动号召出现:现在不该以集体的方式变得更加积极主动,并利用这次活动产生的巨大兴趣作为寻求解决加拿大学术图书馆管理面临挑战的机会。当时获得了压倒性的支持,他们希望建立一个虚拟的论坛来继续进行讨论,并吸引那些不感兴趣并愿意参与但又无法参加此次研讨会的人们。



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