首页> 外文期刊>IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems >Combinatorial properties of two-level hypernet networks

Combinatorial properties of two-level hypernet networks


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The purpose of the paper is to investigate combinatorial properties of the hypernet network. The hypernet network owns two structural advantages: expansibility and equal degree. In addition, it was shown to be efficient in both communication and computation. Since the number of nodes contained in the hypernet network increases very rapidly with expansion level, we emphasize the hypernet network of two levels (denoted by HN(d, 2)) with a practical view. Recently, combinatorial properties such as container (i.e., node-disjoint paths), wide diameter, and fault diameter have received much attention due to their increasing importance and applications in networks. The following results are obtained for HN(d, 2): (1) best containers with width d-1, (2) containers with (maximum) width d, (3) the (d-1)-wide diameter, (4) the d-wide diameter, (5) the (d-2)-fault diameter, and (6) the (d-1)-fault diameter. More specifically, between every two nodes of HN(d, 2), d (or d-1) packets can be transmitted simultaneously with at most D+2 (or D+1) parallel steps, where D=2d+1 is the diameter of HN(d, 2). Besides, the diameter of HN(d, 2) will increase by at most two (or one), if there are at most d-1 (or d-2) node faults. Our results reveal that HN(d, 2) is not only efficient in parallel transmission, but robust in fault tolerance.
机译:本文的目的是研究Hypernet网络的组合特性。 Hypernet网络具有两个结构优势:可扩展性和相等程度。另外,它在通信和计算方面都显示出了很高的效率。由于Hypernet网络中包含的节点数量随着扩展级别的增加而迅速增加,因此我们从实用的角度来强调两个级别的Hypernet网络(用HN(d,2)表示)。近来,诸如容器(即,节点不相交的路径),宽直径和断层直径之类的组合特性由于其重要性和在网络中的应用而受到了广泛的关注。对于HN(d,2)获得以下结果:(1)宽度为d-1的最佳容器,(2)宽度为(最大)d的容器,(3)宽度为(d-1)的容器,(4 )d宽直径,(5)(d-2)断层直径,(6)(d-1)断层直径。更具体地说,在HN(d,2)的每两个节点之间,可以最多以D + 2(或D + 1)个并行步长同时发送d(或d-1)个数据包,其中D = 2d + 1是HN(d,2)的直径。此外,如果节点故障最多为d-1(或d-2),则HN(d,2)的直径最多增加2(或1)。我们的结果表明,HN(d,2)不仅在并行传输中有效,而且在容错能力方面也很强健。



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