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PC-based controls keep production popping


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As a snack with its own button on most microwaves, popcorn is about as iconic as you can get in American comfort foods. Despite its convenience, a great deal of technology goes into those microwave popcorn bags before they puff kernels into steaming bowlfuls of that essential movie-night treat. Talon Mfg. , Spring Park, MN, provides high-end microwave-popcorn packaging systems with the latest in controls technology to make sure those microwave bags are perfect. Talon is a premier supplier of microwave-popcorn and other snack-food bagging systems, shipping machinery to 17 different countries. Talon machines are priced to be cost competitive, with high overall value. Even more importantly than machine cost, Talon strives to stay at the forefront of technology, which led the company to undergo a major controls upgrade at the beginning of this year.
机译:爆米花作为大多数微波炉上都有它自己的纽扣的小吃,与您在美国舒适食品中所获得的一样具有标志性。尽管方便,但微波爆米花袋中充斥着大量技术,然后才将玉米粒膨化成满满一碗的电影之夜。明尼苏达州斯普林帕克市的Talon公司提供高端的微波爆米花包装系统,并采用最新的控制技术,以确保这些微波袋是完美的。 Talon是微波爆米花和其他休闲食品装袋系统的主要供应商,该系统将机械运送到17个不同的国家。 Talon机器的价格具有成本竞争力,具有较高的整体价值。比机器成本更为重要的是,Talon努力保持技术的领先地位,这导致该公司在今年年初进行了重大的控制升级。



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