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The effects on stature of poverty, family size, and birth order: British children in the 1930s


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This article examines the effects of socio-economic conditions on the standardized heights and body mass index (BMI) of children in Interwar Britain, using the Boyd Orr cohort, a survey of predominantly poor families taken in 1937–9. We examine the trade-off between child quality (in the form of health outcomes) and the number of children in the family. We find that birth order and family size have negative effects on the heights of children, but not on their BMI. Household income per capita positively influences height but, even after accounting for this, the number of children in the family has a negative effect on height. This latter effect is closely associated with overcrowding and with the degree of cleanliness or hygiene in the household, which conditions exposure to factors predisposing to disease. We also analyse follow-up data, which indicates that the effects of family size on height persisted into adulthood.
机译:本文使用博伊德·奥尔(Boyd Orr)队列(一项对1937–9年间主要贫困家庭的调查),研究了社会经济条件对两次世界大战期间英国儿童的标准身高和体重指数(BMI)的影响。我们研究了儿童质量(以健康结果的形式)与家庭中儿童数量之间的权衡。我们发现出生顺序和家庭规模对孩子的身高有负面影响,但对他们的BMI没有影响。家庭人均收入对身高产生积极影响,但是即使算上这个数字,家庭中的子女数也对身高产生负面影响。后一种效应与人满为患以及家庭清洁或卫生的程度密切相关,后者使人们容易患上易患疾病的因素。我们还分析了随访数据,这些数据表明家庭规模对身高的影响一直持续到成年。



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