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How is New Organizational Knowledge Created in a Virtual Context? An Ethnographic Study


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Seeking to enhance our understanding of organizational knowledge creation in multimodal polysynchronous contexts, this paper empirically explores a project team, within a UK-based international company, concerned with the development of new software. Our aim is to extend current dialogical approaches to organizational knowledge creation, largely developed in the context of face-to-face communication, into virtual contexts of communication. Through close analysis of the ICT-mediated dialogical interactions between the members of a project team and the occasional face-to-face interactions between certain members of the project team and other organizational members, we show how knowledge creation emerges via three core dialogical processes: dialogues with real others, quasi-dialogues with invisible others, and quasi-dialogues with virtual artifacts. Exploring these processes in more depth, we further argue that the dialogical processes at hand are crucially shaped by team members actively working with the materiality of technology used, which enables them to: (a) mobilize multiple task-related voices when simultaneously interacting in multiple contexts; (b) alter the boundaries of communication to suit the demands of the task at hand; and (c) textualize the ongoing experience of interaction with others and artifacts.
机译:为了增强我们对多模式多同步上下文中组织知识创建的理解,本文以经验为基础探索了一家总部位于英国的国际公司中的项目团队,该团队致力于开发新软件。我们的目标是将当前主要用于面对面交流的组织知识创建的对话方法扩展到虚拟交流环境中。通过仔细分析项目团队成员之间ICT介导的对话互动以及项目团队某些成员与其他组织成员之间的偶尔面对面互动,我们展示了知识创造如何通过三个核心对话过程出现:与真实他人的对话,与隐形人的准对话以及与虚拟人工制品的准对话。更深入地探讨这些过程,我们进一步认为,现有的对话过程是由团队成员积极利用所使用技术的重要性来决定的,这使他们能够:(a)在多个互动中同时互动时,调动多个与任务相关的声音上下文(b)改变沟通的界限,以适应当前任务的需要; (c)将与他人和人工制品互动的持续经历进行文字化。



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