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Use of cone-beam CT in a patient with cleidocranial dysplasia dramatically reduced the operation time


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Cleidocranial dysplasia (CCD) is a rare congenital disorder with prolonged retention of the primary teeth, unerupted permanent teeth, and supernumerary teeth. We report a 19-year-old well-developed and well-nourished Thai woman who presented with intermittent dull pain in the lower left jaw for about a week. CCD was diagnosed based on a panoramic radiograph that revealed 32 unerupted teeth affecting all four quadrants of her jaw. Chest and skull radiographs were added to evaluate the clavicles and skull bone formation to confirm the diagnosis of CCD. Family members, including parents and siblings, were radiographically investigated and showed no abnormality. After a 6-h first operation in the lower left jaw to remove five supernumerary teeth, a deciduous canine, and a permanent third molar, three-dimensional imaging by cone-beam computed tomography was conducted as an aid for planning further dental surgery and orthodontic treatment. A second operation was conducted to remove the other unerupted teeth in the four quadrants in 6 h, the same as the initial operation time, although the second involved the whole jaw, as compared with the first operation in only one quadrant.
机译:颅骨发育不良(CCD)是一种罕见的先天性疾病,其乳牙,未脱落的恒牙和多胎牙的保留时间延长。我们报道了一名19岁的发达且营养丰富的泰国妇女,她的左下颌出现间歇性钝痛,持续了大约一周的时间。根据全景放射线影像诊断出CCD,该影像显示32颗未脱落的牙齿影响着她的下巴的所有四个象限。添加胸部和颅骨X线照片以评估锁骨和颅骨的形成,以确诊CCD。对包括父母和兄弟姐妹在内的家庭成员进行了射线照相检查,未发现异常。在左下颌进行了6小时的首次手术以去除五颗多余的牙齿,一个乳牙犬和一个永久性的第三磨牙之后,通过锥形束计算机断层摄影术进行了三维成像,以帮助规划进一步的牙科手术和正畸治疗。与最初的手术时间相比,第二次手术在6 h内切除了四个象限中的其他未咬牙,与最初的手术时间相同,尽管第二次手术涉及整个颌骨。



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