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Holovideo: Real-time 3D range video encoding and decoding on GPU


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We present a 3D video-encoding technique called Holovideo that is capable of encoding high-resolution 3D videos into standard 2D videos, and then decoding the 2D videos back into 3D rapidly without significant loss of quality. Due to the nature of the algorithm, 2D video compression such as JPEG encoding with QuickTime Run Length Encoding (QTRLE) can be applied with little quality loss, resulting in an effective way to store 3D video at very small file sizes. We found that under a compression ratio of 134:1, Holovideo to OBJ file format, the 3D geometry quality drops at a negligible level. Several sets of 3D videos were captured using a structured light scanner, compressed using the Holovideo codec, and then uncompressed and displayed to demonstrate the effectiveness of the codec. With the use of OpenGL Shaders (GLSL), the 3D video codec can encode and decode in realtime. We demonstrated that for a video size of 512 × 512, the decoding speed is 28 frames per second (FPS) with a laptop computer using an embedded NVIDIA GeForce 9400 m graphics processing unit (GPU). Encoding can be done with this same setup at 18 FPS, making this technology suitable for applications such as interactive 3D video games and 3D video conferencing.
机译:我们提出了一种称为Holovideo的3D视频编码技术,该技术能够将高分辨率3D视频编码为标准2D视频,然后将2D视频快速解码回3D,而不会显着降低质量。由于该算法的性质,可以使用2D视频压缩(例如具有QuickTime运行长度编码(QTRLE)的JPEG编码),而不会造成质量损失,从而以有效的方式以很小的文件大小存储3D视频。我们发现,在Holovideo与OBJ文件格式的压缩比为134:1的情况下,3D几何图形的质量下降到可以忽略的水平。使用结构化的光扫描仪捕获了几组3D视频,使用Holovideo编解码器对其进行了压缩,然后将其解压缩并显示以证明该编解码器的有效性。通过使用OpenGL Shaders(GLSL),3D视频编解码器可以实时编码和解码。我们证明,对于视频尺寸为512×512的笔记本电脑,使用嵌入式NVIDIA GeForce 9400 m图形处理单元(GPU)时,解码速度为每秒28帧(FPS)。可以使用18 FPS的相同设置进行编码,从而使该技术适合诸如交互式3D视频游戏和3D视频会议之类的应用。



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