首页> 外文期刊>Optical fiber technology >Fluoride fiber optic SPR sensor with enhanced performance: Simulation and analysis within the framework of Kubo formulation for graphene

Fluoride fiber optic SPR sensor with enhanced performance: Simulation and analysis within the framework of Kubo formulation for graphene


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The performance of a fiber optic SPR sensor with ZBLAN fluoride glass core, NaF clad, Ag layer, and graphene monolayer is simulated and analyzed under the synchronized tuning of temperature, near infrared (NIR) wavelength, and graphene's chemical potential. The simulation is carried out by considering the graphene's conductivity variations as per Kubo formulation. For other constituent media, the thermo-optic effect is considered. The simulation results suggest a general outcome that a combination of shorter NIR wavelength, higher temperature, and larger chemical potential can provide considerably enhanced performance. A finer analysis predicts that 1310 nm wavelength, 0.61 eV chemical potential, and 332.4 K temperature can be used as a pragmatic combination in order to achieve significantly enhanced sensing performance. The proposed sensor provides higher figure-of-merit than most recent works reported on SPR-based sensors.
机译:在温度,近红外(NIR)波长和石墨烯化学势的同步调整下,模拟和分析了具有ZBLAN氟化物玻璃芯,覆有NaF涂层,Ag层和石墨烯单层的光纤SPR传感器的性能。根据Kubo配方,通过考虑石墨烯的电导率变化进行模拟。对于其他组成介质,考虑了热光效应。仿真结果表明,将NIR波长较短,温度较高和化学势较大的组合可以提供显着增强的性能。更精细的分析预测,可以将1310 nm波长,0.61 eV化学势和332.4 K温度用作实用组合,以实现显着增强的感测性能。与基于SPR的传感器报道的最新成果相比,拟议的传感器具有更高的品质因数。



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