首页> 外文期刊>Optical Communications and Networking, IEEE/OSA Journal of >Efficient routing and bandwidth assignment for inter-data-center live virtual-machine migrations

Efficient routing and bandwidth assignment for inter-data-center live virtual-machine migrations


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Using virtualization, service providerscan create an abstraction of the physical servers hosted in their data centers, and run their services directly on these abstract entities, called virtual machines (VMs). As a direct result of service virtualization, services hosted on VMs can be migrated from one data center to another. VMmigration can be performed without or with a minimal service interruption, and in this case we talk about live VM migration. The main issue of live VM migration is that memory pages are modified during the process. Due to this fact, the same memory pages might be transferred several times, thus increasing both the migration duration and the amount of network resources occupied by the VM migration process. Considering the increasing amount of VM migrations carried on in inter-data-center networks, efficient strategies for live-VM-migration bandwidth provisioning are needed. In this paper, we propose and compare various novel routing and bandwidth assignment algorithms for the live migration of VMs in a distributed DC infrastructure, under dynamic traffic conditions. We find that assigning a bandwidth to theVMmigration request in proportion to the path length with the objective of minimizing the amount of resources occupied by the migration request could improve the network performance. In addition,wepresent a comparative analysis of the serial and the parallel migration of multiple VMs.We quantify the impact of the migration strategy (serial versus parallel) on blocking probability, migration duration, downtime, and resource occupation.
机译:使用虚拟化,服务提供商可以创建托管在其数据中心的物理服务器的抽象,并直接在称为虚拟机(VM)的这些抽象实体上运行其服务。服务虚拟化的直接结果是,VM上托管的服务可以从一个数据中心迁移到另一个数据中心。 VMmigration可以在不中断服务或中断服务最少的情况下执行,在这种情况下,我们将讨论实时VM迁移。实时VM迁移的主要问题是在此过程中修改了内存页面。由于这个事实,相同的内存页面可能会被转移几次,从而增加了迁移时间和VM迁移过程占用的网络资源量。考虑到在数据中心间网络中进行的VM迁移的数量不断增加,需要用于VM实时迁移带宽供应的有效策略。在本文中,我们提出并比较了各种新颖的路由和带宽分配算法,用于在动态流量条件下在分布式DC基础架构中对VM进行实时迁移。我们发现,与路径长度成比例地为VMmigration请求分配带宽,以最小化迁移请求占用的资源量,可以改善网络性能。此外,我们对多个虚拟机的串行和并行迁移进行了比较分析。我们量化了迁移策略(串行与并行)对阻塞概率,迁移持续时间,停机时间和资源占用的影响。



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