首页> 外文期刊>Optical and quantum electronics >Monte Carlo study of impact ionization in n-type InAs induced by intense ultrashort terahertz pulses

Monte Carlo study of impact ionization in n-type InAs induced by intense ultrashort terahertz pulses


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The nature of the top-contact formed by the monolayer Rhenium disulphide (ML ReS2) and common metals of Au, Ag and Pt are evaluated by using first-principles density functional theory calculations. The charge transfer, potential barrier and atomic orbital overlap between the ML ReS2 and metals are investigated to understand the interfacial properties of ML ReS2-metal contacts. It is found that ML ReS2 exhibits less bonding with Au and Ag, leading to little perturbation of its electronic structures, and forming a larger Schottky contact and a higher tunnel barrier at the interfaces compared with the bonding of ReS2 on Pt surface. The results provide an insight into the ML ReS2 contact with metals, which have been demonstrated to be promising in the design of ML ReS2 based nano-electronic devices with high performance.
机译:通过使用第一原理密度泛函理论计算来评估由单层二硫化R(ML ReS2)与Au,Ag和Pt的常见金属形成的顶部接触的性质。研究了ML ReS2和金属之间的电荷转移,势垒和原子轨道重叠,以了解ML ReS2-金属触点的界面性质。发现与ReS2在Pt表面上的键合相比,ML ReS2与Au和Ag的键合较少,导致其电子结构的扰动较小,并且在界面处形成较大的肖特基接触和较高的隧道势垒。结果提供了对ML ReS2与金属接触的见解,已证明在设计基于ML ReS2的高性能纳米电子器件方面很有希望。



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