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The Role of Current Account Balance in Forecasting the US Equity Premium: Evidence From a Quantile Predictive Regression Approach


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The purpose of this paper is to investigate whether the current account balance can help in forecasting the quarterly S&P500-based equity premium out-of-sample. We consider an out-of-sample period of 1970:Q3 to 2014:Q4, with a corresponding in-sample period of 1947:Q2 to 1970:Q2. We employ a quantile predictive regression model. The quantile-based approach is more informative relative to any linear model, as it investigates the ability of the current account to forecast the entire conditional distribution of the equity premium, rather than being restricted to just the conditional-mean. In addition, we employ a recursive estimation of both the conditional-mean and quantile predictive regression models over the out-of-sample period which allows for time-varying parameters in the forecast evaluation part of the sample for both of these models. Our results indicate that unlike as suggested by the linear (mean-based) predictive regression model, the quantile regression model shows that the (changes in the) real current account balance contains significant out-of-sample information when the stock market is performing poorly (below the quantile value of 0.3), but not when the market is in normal to bullish modes (quantile value above 0.3). This result seems to be intuitive in the sense that, when the markets are performing average to well, that is performing around the median and above of the conditional distribution of the equity premium, the excess return is inherently a random-walk and hence, no information, from a predictor (changes in the real current account balance) is able to predict the equity premium.
机译:本文的目的是调查经常账户余额是否有助于预测基于S&P500的季度季度股权溢价。我们考虑了1970:Q3到2014:Q4的样本外期,相应的1947:Q2到1970:Q2样本期。我们采用分位数预测回归模型。基于分位数的方法相对于任何线性模型都更具信息性,因为它调查了经常账户预测股本溢价的整个条件分布的能力,而不是仅仅局限于条件均值。此外,我们对样本外期间的条件均值和分位数预测回归模型进行了递归估计,这为这两个模型的样本的预测评估部分提供了随时间变化的参数。我们的结果表明,与线性(基于均值的)预测回归模型所建议的不同,分位数回归模型显示,当股市表现不佳时,实际经常账户余额(的变化)包含大量的样本外信息。 (低于0.3的分位数),但是当市场处于正常至看涨模式(高于0.3的分位数)时则不然。从某种意义上说,此结果似乎是直观的,即当市场表现良好至平均水平时,即在股权溢价的条件分布的中位数及更高水平附近时,超额收益本来就是随机游走的,因此,没有来自预测变量的信息(实际经常账户余额的变化)能够预测股票溢价。



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