首页> 外文期刊>Oecologia >Female throat ornamentation does not reflect cell-mediated immune response in bluethroats Luscinia s. svecica

Female throat ornamentation does not reflect cell-mediated immune response in bluethroats Luscinia s. svecica

机译:雌性喉咙装饰不能反映蓝喉器Luscinia s中细胞介导的免疫反应。 Svecica

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The brilliantly coloured throat patch in male bluethroats, Luscinia s. svecica, influences their social mating success and both within- and extra-pair paternity. Female bluethroats are highly variable in their extent of throat coloration, from entirely drab to almost male-like. The ornament in females could be due to a genetic correlation between the sexes. However, it has been shown that male bluethroats prefer brightly coloured females, suggesting that female ornamentation has evolved by direct sexual selection on females through male choice. Males may prefer extravagant traits in females if these reliably signal female quality, such as resistance to disease. We investigated whether variation in the extent of structural and melanin plumage ornamentation in female bluethroats reflects cell-mediated immune response. We caught the females at their nests and measured their immune response as a swelling following a challenge by phytohemagglutinin. An analysis of the data from two years of study revealed that the cell-mediated immune response was not related to female ornamentation. However, the immune response was strongly correlated with female body condition. Thus, our results do not support the hypothesis that female ornament expression signals quality in terms of cell-mediated immunity.
机译:雄性蓝喉(Luscinia s)的鲜艳的喉咙补丁。 svecica,会影响他们的社交交配成功以及夫妻对和夫妻间的亲子关系。雌性蓝喉咙的喉咙着色程度变化很大,从完全单调到几乎像男性。女性的装饰品可能是由于性别之间的遗传相关。然而,已经表明雄性蓝喉咙更喜欢颜色鲜艳的雌性,这表明雌性的装饰是通过雄性选择对雌性进行直接的性选择而发展起来的。如果男性能够可靠地表明女性的品格,例如对疾病的抵抗力,那么男性可能会偏爱女性的奢侈特质。我们调查了雌性喉咙结构和黑色素羽毛装饰的程度变化是否反映了细胞介导的免疫反应。在雌性植物血凝素攻击后,我们将雌性抓住它们的巢,并测量它们的免疫反应是否肿胀。对来自两年研究的数据的分析显示,细胞介导的免疫反应与女性装饰无关。但是,免疫反应与女性身体状况密切相关。因此,我们的结果不支持这样的假说,即女性装饰物表达在细胞介导的免疫方面信号质量。



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