首页> 外文期刊>Oceanic Engineering, IEEE Journal of >Theoretical Improvements When Using the Second Harmonic Signal in Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers

Theoretical Improvements When Using the Second Harmonic Signal in Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers


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Acoustic Doppler current profilers and velocity logs are devices that compute the Doppler frequency shift undergone by a pulse after reflection by floating particles in water or by the seafloor. Using this Doppler shift, the velocity of the water currents carrying the reflecting particles or the speed of a vessel relative to the sea bottom can be estimated. The attainable performance of Doppler logs in terms of range and velocity estimate error are directly linked to the physical dimensions and geometry of the transceivers as well as the nature of the pulse transmitted. Beyond a certain transmitted power, distortion of the transmitted pulse due to nonlinear effects is significant. The second harmonic signal generated in that case can be used to estimate velocity in conjunction with the fundamental signal. It has a narrower mainlobe and a higher mainlobe-to-sidelobe ratio compared to the fundamental signal. Such geometrical properties contribute to a more localized velocity determination with less perturbations coming from scatterers away from the region of interest. Combining the velocity estimates using the fundamental and second harmonic signals also helps decreasing the velocity estimate error. For a Doppler log transmitting a pulse at 153.6 kHz using 250-W input power with a nominal range of 400 m, the attainable range for the second harmonic signal is estimated to around 221 m.
机译:声学多普勒电流剖面仪和速度测井仪是计算水中或海底漂浮颗粒反射后脉冲产生的多普勒频移的设备。使用该多普勒频移,可以估计携带反射粒子的水流的速度或船只相对于海底的速度。多普勒测井仪在距离和速度估计误差方面可获得的性能直接与收发器的物理尺寸和几何形状以及所发射脉冲的性质相关。超过一定的发射功率,由于非线性效应导致的发射脉冲失真很大。在这种情况下生成的二次谐波信号可以与基本信号一起用于估算速度。与基本信号相比,它的主瓣较窄,主瓣与旁瓣之比更高。这样的几何特性有助于更局部地确定速度,而来自远离感兴趣区域的散射体产生的扰动则更少。使用基波和二次谐波信号组合速度估计值也有助于减少速度估计值误差。对于使用250W输入功率,标称范围为400 m的153.6 kHz脉冲发送的多普勒测井仪,二次谐波信号的可达到范围估计为221 m左右。



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