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Micro Memories


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In the 1999 made-for-cable movie, "Pirates of Silicon Valley," the film-makers chose to illustrate how significant a 1980 meeting between Bill Gates and IBM was by having John Di Maggio, the actor playing Steve Ballmer (Gates' longtime lieutenant), walk out of the scene, up to the camera, and tell the viewers that this — this! — was the most important moment in computer history. It was the moment when Bill Gates talked IBM into letting him keep control over his operating system and license it to others. "Besides, the money's in the hardware," one white- shirted IBM employee responds in blissful cluelessness to Gates' request. The repercussions would almost immediately begin to echo from it. Of course, Di Maggio (or, more precisely, the screenwriter) was right: this really was a key moment. It launched Gates and Paul Allen on the way to becoming gazillionnaires and it would eventually knock Apple off their throne as kings of the computer world. The building of the IBM PC had profound implications far beyond IBM, of course. It created a marketplace for computer clones, as anybody could build a PC with the same chip and operating system as IBM's and run the exact same software on it.
机译:在1999年的有线电影《硅谷海盗》中,电影制片人选择通过让演员约翰·迪·马焦(John Di Maggio)扮演史蒂夫·鲍尔默(Gate中尉),走出现场,走到镜头前,然后告诉观众这个-这个! -是计算机历史上最重要的时刻。在那一刻,比尔·盖茨(Bill Gates)劝说IBM让他保持对操作系统的控制权并将其许可给他人。一位身穿白衬衫的IBM员工对盖茨的要求很不高兴,他说:“此外,钱还在于硬件。”后果几乎会立即开始回响。当然,Di Maggio(或更准确地说,是编剧)是对的:这确实是关键时刻。它使盖茨和保罗·艾伦成为了亿万富翁,并最终使苹果成为计算机世界之王。当然,IBM PC的构建所带来的深远影响远远超出了IBM。它为计算机克隆创造了一个市场,因为任何人都可以用与IBM相同的芯片和操作系统来构建PC,并在其上运行完全相同的软件。



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