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Micro Memories


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Perhaps the most influential computer was one that never actually existed: HAL 9000, the star of Stanley Kubrick's magnum sci-fi opus, 2001: A Space Odyssey. 2001, which begins with a title card that reads "The Dawn of Man," is a look at man's four phases of intelligence: hominid, human, artificial intelligence, and finally, superman (in the Nietzschean-, not Clark Kent-sense, of course). In 1963 - shortly after completing Dr. Strangelove, his satiric classic of the Cold War — Kubrick was accepting the Best Director Award for the film from the New York Film Critics Circle. He said, "Don't laugh, but I'm fascinated with the possibility of extraterrestrials." In 1964, he struck up a writing partnership with (even back then) legendary science fiction writer Arthur C. Clarke by promising him a chance to co-write, "the proverbial good science fiction movie."
机译:也许最具影响力的计算机是从未真正存在过的计算机:HAL 9000,斯坦利·库布里克(Stanley Kubrick)的《科幻巨作》,2001年:太空漫游。 2001年的标题卡上写着“人的黎明”,它着眼于人的智力的四个阶段:人类,人类,人工智能,最后是超人(在尼采时代,而不是克拉克·肯特时代,当然)。 1963年-库布里克(Kubrick)在完成《冷战》讽刺经典作品《奇异博士》后不久,就从纽约影评人协会获得了该电影的最佳导演奖。他说:“别笑,但我对外星人的可能性着迷。” 1964年,他与(甚至在那时)传奇科幻小说家阿瑟·克拉克(Arthur C. Clarke)建立了写作合作伙伴关系,向他保证有机会与他共同创作《著名的科幻电影》。



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