
LC circuit as a pulse-height analyser for NaI gamma spectrometry


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An LC circuit used as anode load of a photomultiplier tube converts its output current pulse into a damped harmonically oscillating voltage. Its amplitude is not only proportional to the transferred charge but it can be also readily encoded by the count of the successive maxima it passes until it falls below a predefined voltage level. Thus, a scintillation spectrometer may be realised in a very simple way, bypassing the classical (but rather sophisticated) solutions based on pulse-shaping amplifiers and amplitude-to-digital converters. The structure, spectral response and some experiments with a 256-channel 'LC spectrometer' are discussed. A 7% energy resolution has been achieved at 662 keV (with a Φ 45 x 40 mm NaI(Tl) crystal). Despite some uncommon features (arising from the logarithmic channel-energy dependence), this spectrometer has useful potential in at least two fields of scintillation gamma-spectroscopy-as a portable dose-rate meter or in the study of the soft component of the cosmic rays.
机译:用作光电倍增管阳极负载的LC电路将其输出电流脉冲转换为阻尼的谐波振荡电压。它的幅度不仅与所转移的电荷成比例,而且还可以通过其通过的连续最大值的计数很容易地进行编码,直到其降至预定义的电压电平以下。因此,可以以非常简单的方式实现闪烁光谱仪,从而绕过基于脉冲整形放大器和幅度数字转换器的经典(但相当复杂)的解决方案。讨论了结构,光谱响应以及使用256通道“ LC光谱仪”进行的一些实验。在662 keV(使用Φ45 x 40 mm NaI(Tl)晶体)下已实现7%的能量分辨率。尽管有一些不常见的功能(源自对数通道能量依赖性),但该光谱仪在至少两个闪烁伽马能谱领域中具有潜在的潜力-作为便携式剂量率仪或研究宇宙射线的软成分。



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