
An iterative method for the localization of a neutron source in a large box (container)


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The localization of an unknown neutron source in a bulky box was studied. This can be used for the inspection of cargo, to prevent the smuggling of neutron and a emitters. It is important to localize the source from the outside for safety reasons. Source localization is necessary in order to determine its activity. A previous study showed that, by using six detectors, three on each parallel face of the box (460 × 420 × 200 mm~3), the location of the source can be found with an average distance of 4.73 cm between the real source position and the calculated one and a maximal distance of about 9 cm. Accuracy was improved in this work by applying an iteration method based on four fixed detectors and the successive iteration of positioning of an external calibrating source. The initial positioning of the calibrating source is the plane of detectors 1 and 2. This method finds the unknown source location with an average distance of 0.78 cm between the real source position and the calculated one and a maximum distance of 3.66 cm for the same box. For larger boxes, localization without iterations requires an increase in the number of detectors, while localization with iterations requires only an increase in the number of iteration steps.In addition to source localization, two methods for determining the activity of the unknown source were also studied.
机译:研究了未知的中子源在大体积盒子中的定位。这可用于检查货物,以防止中子和发射器的走私。出于安全考虑,从外部定位源非常重要。源本地化是确定其活动所必需的。先前的研究表明,通过使用六个检测器,在盒子的每个平行面上三个(460×420×200 mm〜3),可以找到源的位置,实际源位置之间的平均距离为4.73 cm计算出的最大距离约为9厘米。通过应用基于四个固定检测器的迭代方法以及外部校准源定位的连续迭代,可以提高这项工作的准确性。校准源的初始位置是探测器1和2的平面。此方法找到未知源位置,实际源位置与计算出的源位置之间的平均距离为0.78 cm,同一盒子的最大距离为3.66 cm 。对于较大的盒子,不进行迭代的本地化需要增加检测器的数量,而进行迭代的本地化只需要增加迭代步骤的数量。除了源定位之外,还研究了两种确定未知源活动性的方法。 。



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