
Three-dimensional localization of low activity gamma-ray sources in real-time scenarios


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Radioactive source localization plays an important role in tracking radiation threats in homeland security tasks. Its real-time application requires computationally efficient and reasonably accurate algorithms even with limited data to support detection with minimum uncertainty. This paper describes a statistic-based grid-refinement method for backtracing the position of a gamma-ray source in a three- dimensional domain in real-time. The developed algorithm used measurements from various known detector positions to localize the source. This algorithm is based on an inverse-square relationship between source intensity at a detector and the distance from the source to the detector. The domain discretization was developed and implemented in MATLAB. The algorithm was tested and verified from simulation results of an ideal case of a point source in non-attenuating medium. Subsequently, an experimental validation of the algorithm was performed to determine the suitability of deploying this scheme in real-time scenarios. Using the measurements from five known detector positions and for a measurement time of 3 min, the source position was estimated with an accuracy of approximately 53 cm. The accuracy improved and stabilized to approximately 25 cm for higher measurement times. It was concluded that the error in source localization was primarily due to detection uncertainties. In ver- ification and experimental validation of the algorithm, the distance between ~(137)Cs source and any detector position was between 0.84 m and 1.77 m. The results were also compared with the least squares method. Since the discretization algorithm was validated with a weak source, it is expected that it can localize the source of higher activity in real-time. It is believed that for the same physical placement of source and detectors, a source of approximate activity 0.61-0.92 mCi can be localized in real-time with 1 s of measurement time and same accuracy. The accuracy and computational efficiency of the developed scheme make this algorithm a suitable candidate for its deployment in real-time localization of radio- active sources.
机译:放射源的定位在跟踪国土安全任务中的辐射威胁方面起着重要作用。它的实时应用程序即使在数据有限的情况下也要求计算效率高,算法准确度高的算法,以支持以最小的不确定性进行检测。本文描述了一种基于统计的网格细化方法,用于实时地在三维域中回溯伽马射线源的位置。开发的算法使用来自各种已知探测器位置的测量值来定位源。该算法基于检测器处的​​源强度与从源到检测器的距离之间的平方反比关系。域离散化是在MATLAB中开发和实现的。从非衰减介质中点源理想情况的仿真结果对算法进行了测试和验证。随后,对该算法进行了实验验证,以确定在实时场景中部署此方案的适用性。使用来自五个已知检测器位置的测量值,并持续3分钟的测量时间,估算出源位置的精度约为53 cm。精度提高并稳定到大约25厘米,以延长测量时间。结论是,源定位中的错误主要是由于检测不确定性所致。在对该算法的验证和实验验证中,〜(137)Cs源与任何探测器位置之间的距离在0.84 m至1.77 m之间。还将结果与最小二乘法进行比较。由于离散化算法是用弱信号源进行验证的,因此可以预期它可以实时定位较高活动性的信号源。可以相信,对于源和检测器的相同物理放置,可以以1 s的测量时间和相同的精度实时定位活动度约为0.61-0.92 mCi的源。所开发方案的准确性和计算效率使该算法成为在放射源实时定位中进行部署的合适候选者。



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