
~(235) U enrichment determination on UF_6 cylinders with CZT detectors


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Measurements of uranium enrichment in UF6transit cylinders are an important nuclear safeguards verification task, which is performed using a non-destructive assay method, the traditional enrichment meter, which involves measuring the count rate of the 186 keV gamma ray. This provides a direct measure of the  235U enrichment. Measurements are typically performed using either high-resolution detectors (Germanium) with e-cooling and battery operation, or portable devices equipped with low resolution detectors (NaI). Despite good results being achieved when measuring Low Enriched Uranium in 30B type cylinders and natural uranium in 48Y type containers using both detector systems, there are situations, which preclude the use of one or both of these systems.The focus of this work is to address some of the recognized limitations in relation to the current use of the above detector systems by considering the feasibility of an inspection instrument for  235U enrichment measurements on UF6cylinders using the compact and light Cadmium Zinc Telluride (CZT) detectors.In the present work, test measurements were carried out, under field conditions and on full-size objects, with different CZT detectors, in particular for situations where existing systems cannot be used e.g. for stacks of 48Y type containers with depleted uranium.The main result of this study shows that the CZT detectors, actually a cluster of fourμCZT1500 micro spectrometers provide as good results as the germanium detector in the ORTEC Micro-trans SPEC HPGe Portable spectrometer, and most importantly in particular for natural and depleted uranium in 48Y cylinders.
机译:UF6运输气瓶中铀浓缩的测量是一项重要的核保障核查任务,该任务使用无损测定方法(传统的浓缩计)执行,该方法涉及测量186 keV伽马射线的计数率。这提供了235U富集的直接测量。通常使用具有电子冷却和电池操作的高分辨率探测器(锗)或配备有低分辨率探测器(NaI)的便携式设备进行测量。尽管使用这两种检测器系统测量30B型钢瓶中的低浓铀和48Y型容器中的天然铀均取得了良好的结果,但仍存在无法使用这两种系统之一或两种的情况。考虑到使用紧凑轻巧的碲化镉锌(CZT)检测器对UF6气瓶进行235U富集测量的检查仪器的可行性,与上述检测器系统的当前使用有关的一些公认局限性。使用不同的CZT探测器在野外条件和全尺寸物体上进行,特别是在无法使用现有系统的情况下,例如这项研究的主要结果表明,CZT检测器实际上是由四个μCZT1500微型光谱仪组成的簇,其结果与ORTEC Micro-trans SPEC HPGe便携式光谱仪中的锗探测器一样好,并且大多数重要的是,尤其对于48Y气瓶中的天然铀和贫铀。



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