首页> 外文期刊>Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research. Section A, Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment >PICOSEC: Charged particle timing to 24 picosecond precision with MicroPattern gas detectors

PICOSEC: Charged particle timing to 24 picosecond precision with MicroPattern gas detectors


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The prospect of pileup induced backgrounds at the High Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) has stimulated intense interest in technology for charged particle timing at high rates. In contrast to the role of timing for particle identification, which has driven incremental improvements in timing, the LHC timing challenge dictates a specific level of timing performance-roughly 20 to 30 picoseconds (ps). Since the elapsed time for an LHC bunch crossing (with standard design book parameters) has an rms spread of 170 ps, the similar to 50 to 100 ps resolution now commonly achieved in time-of-flight systems would be insufficient to resolve multiple "in-time" pileup. Here we present a MicroMegas based structure which achieves the required time precision (i.e. 24 ps for 150 GeV muons) and could potentially offer an inexpensive solution covering large areas with similar to 1 cm(2) pixel size. We present here a proof-of-principle which motivates further work in our group toward realizing a practical design capable of long-term survival in a high rate experiment. (c) 2018 Published by Elsevier B.V.
机译:高光度LHC(HL-LHC)的堆积诱发背景的前景激发了人们对高速率带电粒子定时技术的浓厚兴趣。与定时识别在粒子识别中所起的作用相反,后者推动了定时方面的逐步改进,而LHC定时挑战则规定了定时性能的特定水平,大约为20到30皮秒(ps)。由于大型强子对撞机穿越的时间(具有标准设计手册参数)的均方根差为170 ps,因此类似于飞行时间系统中通常达到的50至100 ps分辨率,不足以解决多个问题。及时堆积”。在这里,我们介绍了一种基于MicroMegas的结构,该结构可达到所需的时间精度(即150 GeV介子的24 ps),并有可能提供一种便宜的解决方案,该解决方案可以覆盖大面积的1 cm(2)像素大小。我们在此提供原理证明,以激励我们小组中的进一步工作,以实现能够在高速率实验中长期存活的实用设计。 (c)2018年由Elsevier B.V.



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