首页> 外文期刊>Nuclear Engineering and Design >An analysis on the consequences of a severe accident initiated steam generator tube rupture

An analysis on the consequences of a severe accident initiated steam generator tube rupture


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An analysis on the thermal hydraulic behavior, core damage progression and radiological releases of a steam generator tube rupture event initiated by a station black out event for APR1400 is provided in this paper. The analysis was performed by using MELCOR, where counter-current natural circulation, mixing in the steam generator inlet plenum, creep ruptures of reactor coolant system components and U-tube, and mitigation actions by the operator are modeled. A station black out accident with an opening of atmospheric steam dump valves (ADVs) at the time of severe accident management strategy entry condition with a failure of a supply of auxiliary feed water to the steam generators selected as a base case resulted in a creep rupture of U-tubes with a direct release of radioactive materials into the atmosphere. It was shown that a mitigation action by the operator for an aggressive cooldown of the reactor coolant system using ADVs and supplying the water to the steam generator even after the creep rupture of U-tubes was effective. It arrested core melt progression and significantly reduced the amount of radiological releases to the atmosphere.



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