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A civil engineer's guide to GPS and GNSS


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GPS is already prevalent in society whether consciously or not: from the obvious professional use of high-accuracy RTK systems on construction sites and consumer 'satnav' systems, to the less-obvious cash-machine transaction or mobile telephone call where GPS timing is used to synchronise networks and data packets. The acceptance and use of GPS within civil engineering, especially when combined with other measurement or sensor technology, will continue to flourish. Although only 10-20% by revenue generation of the overall applications of GPS are in civil engineering, their range is massively diverse.rnThe key to enabling the exploitation of the new GNSS to meet the drivers and new applications within the engineering community will often be in integrating components together to provide a complete solution.rnTime frames for the developments of the different GNSS may not be exactly known, but with the market doubling every 5 years, the impact is.rnEvery new satellite launched brings greater opportunities with it.
机译:GPS在社会上无论是否有意识地已经很普遍:从在建筑工地和消费者的“卫星导航”系统上对高精度RTK系统的明显专业使用,到使用GPS定时的不太明显的自动取款机交易或移动电话,同步网络和数据包。 GPS在土木工程中的接受和使用,尤其是与其他测量或传感器技术结合使用时,将继续蓬勃发展。尽管GPS的总体应用收入中只有10%至20%用于土木工程,但其应用范围却千差万别。要使新GNSS得以利用以满足驾驶员和工程界内部的新应用,关键是将组件集成在一起以提供完整的解决方案。虽然可能无法确切知道不同GNSS的发展时间框架,但随着市场每5年翻一番,其影响是巨大的。每发射一颗新卫星都会带来更多机会。



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