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A new theory with consequences


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Now that the initial furor over the MGM vs. Grokster Supreme Court case has settled down and the cries from the opposing sides have faded into a grumble, we can look at the decision a little more dispassionately The Supreme Court's unanimous decision said Grokster could be held liable for copyright infringements committed by users of their peer-to-peer file-sharing software. Paul McNamara, who inhabits the Net Buzz column due south of here, commented a couple of weeks ago that "the court quite sensibly zeroed in on what has always been the crux of the matter — illegal business practices — and not technology itself. Non-infringing uses are all well and good, the court said, but such capabilities offer no defense against lawsuits if accompanied by a business model and marketing that" are based on encouraging piracy.
机译:现在,关于米高梅与格罗克斯特最高法院一案的最初争议已经平息,并且来自对立各方的呼声逐渐淡化,我们可以更加审慎地看待这一裁决。最高法院的一致决定称,格罗克斯特可以举行对使用其对等文件共享软件的用户所犯的版权侵权负责。居住在此处南部的“网络嗡嗡声”专栏的保罗·麦克纳马拉(Paul McNamara)几周前评论说:“法院对这一直是问题的症结-非法商业行为-而不是技术本身,非常明智地置若zero闻。法院说,侵权使用是好事,但是,如果伴随着“基于鼓励盗版的商业模式和行销”,这种能力就无法抗辩诉讼。



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