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U3 promises to break the apps chain


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Application portability always has been a huge issue in the IT world because it is such a powerful idea: Move your applications to any machine at any time and they just run. No recompiling, no missing Dynamic Link Libraries, no registry issues, no missing drives. Ahh, that's how life should be. Of course, that is hardly how it is. Life with Windows applications is (to recontextualize Forrest Gump's famous bon mot) "like a box of choc-olates."The difference is the chocolates are super glued in the box, there are tens of thousands of them, some are enormous and can't be eaten without eating scores of other chocolates, some have huge spikes sticking out of them, and others, if you forcibly remove them, blow up the box.Violently. This means that truly portable Windows applications have been rare.
机译:应用程序可移植性一直是IT世界中的一个大问题,因为它是一个强大的想法:随时将您的应用程序移动到任何计算机上,然后它们就可以运行。没有重新编译,没有动态链接库,没有注册表问题,没有驱动器。啊,生活就是这样。当然,事实并非如此。 Windows应用程序的生命是(就像重新定义了阿甘正传著名的糖果一样)“就像一盒巧克力油。”不同的是,巧克力是超级粘在盒子里的,有成千上万的巧克力,有些很大而且可以。请勿在不吃数十种其他巧克力的情况下食用它们,有些会伸出巨大的尖刺,而另一些,如果您强行将其除去,则将盒子炸毁。这意味着真正可移植的Windows应用程序很少见。



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