
Unix Road Map


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Unix and Windows data-center market share remain neck-and-neck, according to most analysts, but many in IT perceive Unix and Linux innovation as slowing to a crawl. We interviewed representatives from Apple, Hewlett-Packard, IBM, Novell, Red Hal and Sun Microsystems who were eager to challenge that perception by highlighting areas in which their Unix OSs are breaking new ground. Although actual installations are impossible to count, Linux is still well behind Unix and Windows in sales, but many big Unix vendors are taking significant steps to support the open-source operating system—some are porting their Unix applications to Linux, some are writing drivers for Linux so their platforms are supported, some are even offering Linux as an alternative to their flagship operating systems. Do these moves reflect the reality that keeping Unix fragmented and closed is a losing proposition, or are they simply a bid to cut development costs and take advantage of the work the open-source community has done? Probably a bit of both. Publicly, most Unix vendors spin their embrace of Linux as "utilizing what is rapidly becoming the standard operating system."
机译:大多数分析师认为,Unix和Windows数据中心的市场份额并驾齐驱,但许多IT人士认为Unix和Linux创新的步伐正在放缓。我们采访了苹果,惠普,IBM,Novell,Red Hal和Sun Microsystems的代表,他们希望通过强调其Unix操作系统正在开拓新领域的领域来挑战这种看法。尽管无法确定实际安装数量,但Linux的销售额仍远远落后于Unix和Windows,但是许多大型Unix供应商正在采取重要措施来支持开源操作系统-有些将其Unix应用程序移植到Linux,有些正在编写驱动程序。对于Linux,因此支持其平台,有些甚至提供Linux作为其旗舰操作系统的替代产品。这些举动是否反映了一个事实,那就是保持Unix零散和封闭是一个失败的主张,还是仅仅是为了削减开发成本并利用开源社区所做的工作?可能两者都有。在公开场合,大多数Unix供应商将其对Linux的支持视为“利用迅速成为标准操作系统的东西”。



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