首页> 外文期刊>Naval engineers journal >Intelligent Ship Arrangements: A New Approach To General Arrangement

Intelligent Ship Arrangements: A New Approach To General Arrangement


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A new surface ship general arrangement optimization system developed at the University of Michigan is described. The Intelligent Ship Arrangements system is a native C++, Leading Edge Architecture for Prototyping Systems-compatible software system that will assist the designer in developing rationally based arrangements that satisfy design specific needs as well as general Navy requirements and standard practices to the maximum extent practicable. This software system is intended to be used following or as a latter part of ASSET synthesis. The arrangement process is approached as two essentially two-dimensional tasks. First, the spaces are allocated to Zone-decks, one deck in one vertical zone, on the ship's inboard profile. Then the assigned spaces are arranged in detail on the deck plan of each Zone-deck in succession. Consideration is given to overall location, adjacency, separation, access, area requirements, area utilization, and compartment shape. The system architecture is quite general to facilitate its evolution to address additional design issues, such as distributive system design, in the future.
机译:描述了由密歇根大学开发的新的水面舰艇总体布置优化系统。智能船舶布置系统是与原型系统兼容的软件系统的本机C ++前沿体系结构,它将帮助设计人员开发合理可行的布置,以最大程度地满足设计的特定需求以及一般海军的要求和标准做法。该软件系统打算在ASSET合成之后或作为其后期使用。布置过程被视为两个基本的二维任务。首先,将空间分配到船舷轮廓上的区域甲板,即一个垂直区域中的一个甲板。然后,在每个区域甲板的甲板平面图上依次详细安排分配的空间。考虑总体位置,邻接,分隔,通道,区域要求,区域利用率和隔室形状。系统架构非常通用,以促进其演进,以解决将来的其他设计问题,例如分布式系统设计。



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