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Signal transduction by cAMP-dependent protein kinase A in Drosophila limb patterning.


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Interaction between distinctly specified cells in adjacent compartments establishes organizing centres that control growth and specify cell fate in the developing limbs of Drosophila. Localized expression of the secreted Hedgehog protein (Hh) by cells in the posterior compartment induces expression of the secreted signalling molecules decapentaplegic (dpp) or wingless (wg) in nearby anterior cells. wg and dpp in turn organize spatial pattern in the wing and leg imaginal discs. The Hh signal is thought to act by antagonizing the ability of the patched (ptc) gene product to repress wg and dpp expression. Here we present evidence that removing activity of the gene encoding cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase A (pka) is functionally equivalent to removing ptc activity or to providing cells with the Hh signal. These findings suggest that cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase A is a component of the signal transduction pathway through which Hh and Ptc direct localized expression of dpp (or wg) and establish the compartment boundary organizer.
机译:在相邻隔室中明确指定的细胞之间的相互作用建立了组织中心,该中心控制果蝇的发育中肢体的生长并确定其细胞命运。后房中的细胞局部表达分泌的刺猬蛋白(Hh)会诱导附近前房细胞中的功能丧失能力(dppentaplegic(dpp)或无翅(wg))的表达。 wg和dpp依次在机翼和腿部假想椎间盘中组织空间格局。 Hh信号被认为是通过拮抗修补的(ptc)基因产物抑制wg和dpp表达的能力起作用的。在这里,我们提供证据表明,去除编码环状AMP依赖性蛋白激酶A(pka)的基因的活性在功能上等同于去除ptc活性或向细胞提供Hh信号。这些发现表明,环状AMP依赖性蛋白激酶A是信号转导途径的组成部分,Hh和Ptc通过该信号转导指导dpp(或wg)的局部表达并建立区室边界组织者。



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