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Speciation by host switch in brood parasitic indigobirds


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A growing body of empirical and theoretical work supports the plausibility of sympatric speciation(1-3), but there remain few examples in which all the essential components of the process are well understood. The African indigobirds Vidua spp. are host-specific brood parasites. Indigobird nestlings are reared along with host young, and mimic the mouth markings of their respective hosts(4-6). As adults, male indigobirds mimic host song(4-7), whereas females use these songs to choose both their mates and the nests they parasitize(8). These behavioural mechanisms promote the cohesion of indigobird populations associated with a given host species, and provide a mechanism for reproductive isolation after a new host is colonized. Here we show that all indigobird species are similar genetically, but are significantly differentiated in both mitochondrial haplotype and nuclear allele frequencies. These data support a model of recent sympatric speciation. In contrast to the cuckoo Cuculus canorus, in which only female lineages are faithful to specific hosts(9,10), host switches have led to speciation in indigobirds because both males and females imprint on their hosts(8,11). [References: 30]
机译:越来越多的经验和理论工作支持同伴形态学的合理性(1-3),但是很少有例子可以很好地理解过程的所有基本组成部分。非洲靛蓝鸟Vidua spp。是寄主特有的寄生虫。靛蓝幼鸟与寄主幼体一起饲养,并模仿它们各自寄主的嘴纹(4-6)。成年时,雄性靛蓝鸟模仿宿主歌曲(4-7),而雌性则用这些歌曲选择他们的伴侣和它们寄生的巢(8)。这些行为机制促进了与给定宿主物种相关的靛蓝鸟种群的凝聚力,并为新宿主定殖后的生殖分离提供了一种机制。在这里,我们显示所有靛蓝物种在遗传上都相似,但在线粒体单倍型和核等位基因频率上有显着差异。这些数据支持了最近的同族物种形成模型。与杜鹃杜鹃(Cuculus canorus)不同,杜鹃只有雌性谱系忠实于特定寄主(9,10),寄主转换导致靛蓝物种形成,因为雄性和雌性都印在其寄主上(8,11)。 [参考:30]



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