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The impact of surface-adsorbed phosphorus on phytoplankton Redfield stoichiometry


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The Redfield ratio of 106 carbon: 16 nitrogen: 1 phosphorus in marine phytoplankton(1) is one of the foundations of ocean biogeochemistry, with applications in algal physiology(2), palaeoclimatology(3) and global climate change(4). However, this ratio varies substantially in response to changes in algal nutrient status(5) and taxonomic affiliation(6,7). Here we report that Redfield ratios are also strongly affected by partitioning into surface-adsorbed and intracellular phosphorus pools. The C: N: surface-adsorbed P (80 - 105 C: 15 - 18 N: 1 P) and total (71 - 80 C: 13 - 14 N: 1 P) ratios in natural populations and cultures of Trichodesmium were close to Redfield values and not significantly different from each other. In contrast, intracellular ratios consistently exceeded the Redfield ratio ( 316 - 434 C: 59 - 83 N: 1 intracellular P). These high intracellular ratios were associated with reduced N-2 fixation rates, suggestive of phosphorus deficiency. Other algal species also have substantial surface-adsorbed phosphorus pools, suggesting that our Trichodesmium results are generally applicable to all phytoplankton. Measurements of the distinct phytoplankton phosphorus pools may be required to assess nutrient limitation accurately from elemental composition. Deviations from Redfield stoichiometry may be attributable to surface adsorption of phosphorus rather than to biological processes, and this scavenging could affect the interpretation of marine nutrient inventories and ecosystem models.
机译:海洋浮游植物中106碳:16氮:1磷的Redfield比值(1)是海洋生物地球化学的基础之一,在藻类生理学(2),古气候学(3)和全球气候变化(4)中得到了应用。然而,该比率因藻类营养状况的变化(5)和生物分类隶属关系(6,7)而有很大变化。在这里,我们报告Redfield比率也受到划分为表面吸附和细胞内磷库的强烈影响。自然种群和梭菌培养物中的C:N:表面吸附的P(80-105 C:15-18 N:1 P)和总(71-80 C:13-14 N:1 P)比率接近Redfield值彼此之间没有显着差异。相反,细胞内比率始终超过Redfield比率(316-434 C:59-83 N:1细胞内P)。这些高的细胞内比率与降低的N-2固定率有关,提示磷缺乏。其他藻类物种也具有大量的表面吸附磷池,这表明我们的毛滴虫结果通常适用于所有浮游植物。可能需要测量不同的浮游植物磷库,才能从元素组成中准确评估营养限制。与雷德菲尔德化学计量法的差异可能归因于磷的表面吸附,而不是生物过程,这种清除可能影响海洋营养物质清单和生态系统模型的解释。



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