首页> 外文期刊>Nature >Structural basis for redox regulation of Yap1 transcription factor localization

Structural basis for redox regulation of Yap1 transcription factor localization


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The ability of organisms to alter their gene expression patterns in response to environmental changes is essential for viability. A central regulator of the response to oxidative stress in Saccharomyces cerevisiae is the Yap1 transcription factor. Upon activation by increased levels of reactive oxygen species, Yap1 rapidly redistributes to the nucleus where it regulates the expression of up to 70 genes(1-3). Here we identify a redox-regulated domain of Yap1 and determine its high-resolution solution structure. In the active oxidized form, a nuclear export signal (NES) in the carboxy-terminal cysteine-rich domain is masked by disulphide-bond-mediated interactions with a conserved amino-terminal alpha-helix. Point mutations that weaken the hydrophobic interactions between the N-terminal alpha-helix and the C-terminal NES-containing domain abolished redox-regulated changes in subcellular localization of Yap1. Upon reduction of the disulphide bonds, Yap1 undergoes a change to an unstructured conformation that exposes the NES and allows redistribution to the cytoplasm. These results reveal the structural basis of redox-dependent Yap1 localization and provide a previously unknown mechanism of transcription factor regulation by reversible intramolecular disulphide bond formation.
机译:生物响应环境变化而改变其基因表达模式的能力对于生存能力至关重要。 Yap1转录因子是酿酒酵母中对氧化应激反应的中央调节剂。通过增加活性氧水平激活后,Yap1迅速重新分布至细胞核,从而调节多达70个基因的表达(1-3)。在这里,我们确定Yap1的氧化还原调节域,并确定其高分辨率解决方案结构。在活性氧化形式下,富含羧基末端半胱氨酸的域中的核输出信号(NES)被二硫键介导的与保守的氨基末端α-螺旋的相互作用所掩盖。点突变削弱了N末端α-螺旋和C末端含NES的域之间的疏水相互作用,从而消除了Yap1的亚细胞定位中的氧化还原调节的变化。在二硫键还原后,Yap1经历了一个非结构化构象的变化,从而暴露了NES并允许重新分布到细胞质中。这些结果揭示了氧化还原依赖性Yap1定位的结构基础,并通过可逆的分子内二硫键形成提供了转录因子调控的先前未知的机制。



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