首页> 外文期刊>Nature >Cryptic striations in the upper mantle revealed by hafnium isotopes in southeast Indian ridge basalts.

Cryptic striations in the upper mantle revealed by hafnium isotopes in southeast Indian ridge basalts.


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The Earth's mantle is isotopically heterogeneous on length scales ranging from centimetres to more than 10(4) kilometres. This heterogeneity originates from partial melt extraction and plate tectonic recycling, whereas stirring during mantle convection tends to reduce it. Here we show that mid-ocean ridge basalts from 2,000 km along the southeast Indian ridge (SEIR) display a bimodal hafnium isotopic distribution. This bimodality reveals the presence of ancient compositional striations (streaks) in the Indian Ocean upper mantle. The number density of the streaks is described by a Poisson distribution, with an average thickness of approximately 40 km. Such a distribution is anticipated for a well-stirred upper mantle, in which heterogeneity is continually introduced by plate tectonic recycling, and redistributed by viscous stretching and convective refolding.
机译:地球的地幔是同位素异质的,其长度范围从厘米到10(4)公里以上。这种异质性来自部分熔体提取和板块构造的再循环,而地幔对流过程中的搅拌往往会降低它。在这里,我们显示了沿印度洋东南脊(SEIR)2,000公里处的中海脊玄武岩显示出双峰ha同位素分布。这种双峰性揭示了印度洋上地幔中古老的成分纹(条纹)的存在。条纹的数密度由泊松分布描述,平均厚度约为40 km。对于分布良好的上地幔而言,这种分布是可以预料的,在该地幔中,板块构造的循环不断地引入异质性,并通过粘性拉伸和对流再折叠而重新分布。



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