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Light-Dependent Magnetoreception in Birds: Does Directional Information Change with Light Intensity?


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Magnetic compass orientation in birds is based on light-dependent processes, with magneto-reception being possible only under light containing blue and green wavelengths. To look for possible intensity-dependent effects we tested Australian sil-vereyes during autumn migration under monochromatic green light (565 nm) produced by light-emitting diodes at various light levels. At intensities of 0.0021 and 0.0075 W/m~2, the birds showed normal activity and were oriented in their seasonally appropriate migratory direction. Under low light of 0.0002 W/m~2 the birds were less active; scatter increased, but they still oriented in their migratory direction. Under a high light level of 0.0150 W/m~2, however, the test birds showed a counterclockwise shift in direction, preferring west-northwest instead of north. This change in behavior may reflect a change in the output of the magnetoreception system, resulting from a disruption of the natural balance between the wavelengths of light.
机译:鸟类中的磁罗盘方向基于与光有关的过程,只有在包含蓝色和绿色波长的光下,才能进行磁接收。为了寻找可能的强度依赖性效应,我们在秋季迁移期间在由各种亮度的发光二极管产生的单色绿光(565 nm)下测试了澳大利亚银眼。在0.0021和0.0075 W / m〜2的强度下,家禽表现出正常的活动,并朝着其季节适当的迁徙方向定向。在0.0002 W / m〜2的弱光下,家禽的活动较弱;分散性有所增加,但他们仍然朝着迁移方向发展。然而,在0.0150 W / m〜2的高光照水平下,试验鸟表现出逆时针方向的变化,偏向于西北偏西而不是偏北。这种行为上的变化可能反映出磁接收系统输出的变化,这是由光波长之间的自然平衡的破坏引起的。



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