首页> 外文期刊>Naturwissenschaften >Scent of a queen—cuticular hydrocarbons specific for female reproductives in lower termites

Scent of a queen—cuticular hydrocarbons specific for female reproductives in lower termites


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In social insects, it is assumed that signals of the queen inform nestmates about her reproductive status. Thus, workers forego their own reproduction if the queen signals high fertility. In hemimetabolous termites, little is known about reproductive inhibition, but evidence exists for a royal-pair control. Workers of lower termites exhibit a high developmental flexibility and are potentially able to become reproductives, but the presence of a fertile reproductive restrains them from reaching sexual maturity. The nature of this control, however, remains unknown. Here, we report on qualitative differences in cuticular hydrocarbon profiles between queens and workers of the basal drywood termite Cryptotermes secundus. Queens were characterized by a shift to long-chained and branched hydrocarbons. Most remarkably, similar chemical patterns are regarded as fertility cues of reproductives in social Hymenoptera. This might suggest that both groups of social insects convergently evolved similar chemical signatures. The present study provides deeper insights into how termites might have socially exploited these signatures from sexual communication in their cockroach-like ancestor. Keywords Termites - Cuticular hydrocarbons - Fertility signals - Chemical communication - Queen signal
机译:在社交昆虫中,假定女王的信号会通知巢友其繁殖状况。因此,如果女王发出高生育力的信号,工人们就会放弃自己的繁殖。在半代谢的白蚁中,对生殖抑制的了解很少,但是有证据表明可以控制王室配对。低位白蚁的工人表现出很高的发育灵活性,并有可能成为生殖者,但是繁殖力旺盛的繁殖会阻止他们达到性成熟。但是,此控件的性质仍然未知。在这里,我们报告了基干枯木白蚁Cryptotermes secundus的皇后和工人之间表皮碳氢化合物分布的质性差异。皇后区的特征是转向长链和支链烃。最显着的是,类似的化学模式被认为是社会膜翅目动物生殖的育性线索。这可能表明,这两种社会昆虫共同收敛了相似的化学特征。本研究提供了关于白蚁如何在其蟑螂状祖先的性交中从社会上利用这些特征的更深入的见解。关键词白蚁-表皮碳氢化合物-生育力信号-化学通讯-女王信号



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