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Evaluation of Diverse Geometric and Geostatistical Estimation Methods Applied to Annual Precipitation in Asturias (NW Spain)


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Several alternative estimation and interpolation methods for making annual precipitation maps of Asturias are analysed. The data series in this study corresponds to the year 2003. There exists an evident relationship between precipitation and altitude, with a high correlation coefficient of 0.70, that reflects the hillside effect; that is, the increase in the amount of precipitation in more mountainous areas. The direct spatial variability of precipitation and of altitude and the cross variability of precipitation–altitude are defined by two exponential variogram models: one with a short-range structure (15–30 km) that reflects the control exerted by the lesser, local mountain ranges over the amount of precipitation; and another with a long-range structure (80 km) that supposes the influence over precipitation of the major mountainous alignments of the inland areas of the Cantabrian Mountain Range (Cordillera Cantábrica) situated between 60 and 90 km from the coastline. These variogram models had to be validated for coregionalization by the Pardo-Igúzquiza and Dowd method so as to be able to make the cokriging map. The geometric estimation methods employed were triangulation and inverse distance. The geostatistical estimation methods developed were simple kriging, ordinary kriging, kriging with a trend model (universal kriging), lognormal kriging, and cokriging. In all of these methods, a 3 × 3 km2 grid was selected with a total of 2580 points to estimate, a circular search window of 60 km, and a relatively small number of samples with the aim of highlighting the local features and variations on isohyet maps. The kriging methods were implemented using the WinGslib software, incorporating two specific programs, Prog2 and Fichsurf, so as to be able then to make isohyet maps using the Surfer software. All the methods employed, apart from triangulation, rendered realistic maps with good fits to the values of the original data (precipitation) of the sample maps. The problem with triangulation lies not in the reliability of the estimates but in the fact that it gives rise to contrived maps because of the tendency of isohyets to present abundant triangular facets. The reliability of the methods was based on cross-validation analysis and on evaluation of the different types of errors, both in their values and in their graphical representations. Substantial differences were not found in the values of the errors that might discriminate some methods from others in an evident way. Bearing the aforesaid in mind, should we have to make an evaluation of the different estimation methods in decreasing order of acceptance, this would be: kriging with a trend model, inverse distance, cokriging, lognormal kriging, ordinary kriging, simple kriging, and triangulation. The application of other estimation methods such as colocated cokriging, kriging with an external drift, and kriging of variable local means (residual kriging) is dependent on the availability of a digital model of the terrain with an altitude grid of the region.
机译:分析了制作阿斯图里亚斯年降水图的几种替代估计和内插方法。本研究的数据系列对应于2003年。降水与海拔高度之间存在明显的关系,相关系数为0.70,反映了山坡效应。也就是说,更多山区的降水量增加。降水和海拔高度的直接空间变异性和降水-海拔高度的交叉变异性由两个指数变异函数模型定义:一个具有短距离结构(15-30 km)的模型,反映了较小的局部山脉所施加的控制降水量过多;另一个具有远程结构(80公里),其假设对距海岸线60至90公里的坎塔布连山脉(CordilleraCantábrica)内陆地区主要山脉的降水产生影响。必须使用Pardo-Igúzquiza和Dowd方法对这些变异函数模型进行共区域化验证,以便能够绘制共克里金图。所采用的几何估计方法是三角剖分和反距离。所开发的地统计估计方法包括简单克里金法,普通克里金法,带有趋势模型的克里金法(通用克里金法),对数正态克里金法和协同克里金法。在所有这些方法中,都选择了一个3×3 km2 的网格,总共要估计2580个点,圆形搜索窗口为60 km,并且样本数量相对较少,目的是突出局部特征和isohyet图的变化。克里金法是使用WinGslib软件实现的,该软件结合了两个特定程序Prog2和Fichsurf,以便随后可以使用Surfer软件制作isohyet映射。除了三角测量外,所有采用的方法都绘制了逼真的地图,非常适合样本地图的原始数据(降水)值。三角剖分的问题不在于估计的可靠性,而在于等值线呈现出丰富的三角形小面的趋势,从而导致人为图的产生。这些方法的可靠性基于交叉验证分析和对不同类型错误的评估,包括其值和图形表示形式。在错误值上未发现实质性差异,这些差异可能以明显的方式将某些方法与其他方法区分开。考虑到上述问题,如果我们必须按照接受程度从低到高的顺序对不同的估算方法进行评估,则应为:采用趋势模型的克里金法,反距离法,协同克里金法,对数正态克里金法,普通克里金法,简单克里金法和三角剖分法。其他估计方法的应用,例如并置共克里金法,带有外部漂移的克里金法和可变局部均值的克里金法(剩余克里金法),取决于具有该地区高度网格的地形数字模型的可用性。



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