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Soon to Be Added to List of Pentagon's Unaffordable Luxuries: People in Uniform


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The fire alarms are screaming but nobody is listening. That is one way to describe a Pentagon fiscal predicament that, for a change, has nothing to do with the soaring price tags of weapon systems.The all-volunteer military force has become so expensive that, compared to a decade ago, the Pentagon is paying twice as much for the same number of people. The trends are scary, and getting worse, warns Arnold L. Punaro, a retired Marine Corps major general who serves on a Pentagon advisory panel. Runaway personnel and retiree benefits costs, he says, are pushing the Defense Department toward a financial precipice.Air Force Gen. Donald Hoffman recently compared the cost of military personnel to a Pac-Man that is gobbling up the rest of the defense budget.Personnel and health expenses today consume half of the defense budget and will continue to chew up a greater share of the pie. Punaro says the result will be a "hollow force" that will enjoy a wealth of entitlements but will be untrained and illequipped to fight wars.It may be startling to Americans, most of whom embrace the notion that military service should be appropriately rewarded with pay and benefits, that most personnel spending does not go to the active-duty force. The Defense Department supports pension and health care costs for a population of 3.3 million active duty members and 5.5 million retirees."We're on a path to make the Defense Department a benefits company that may occasionally kill a terrorist," Punaro says.Of all the programs that are driving the Pentagon to bankruptcy, he says, one that is ripe for reform is military retirement. Paying benefits based on longevity and grade is an anachronism, says Punaro. The system is rooted in World War II, when troops were drafted, received meager pay, and the government sought to encourage them to stick around for 20 years and collect generous benefits. Now, service members are rewarded for leaving at the peak of their careers when they are most productive. In addition, life expectancy has increased significantly since the system was put in place. Providing paychecks and benefits over 60 years to serve for 20 is not a sustainable option, Punaro says.
机译:火灾警报器在尖叫,但没人在听。这是描述五角大楼财政困境的一种方式,这种变化与武器系统的飞涨价格无关。与十年前相比,全自愿军事力量变得如此昂贵,以至于五角大楼为相同人数支付两倍的费用。退休的海军陆战队少将阿诺德·L·普纳罗警告说,这种趋势令人担忧,而且越来越严重,他是五角大楼顾问团成员。他说,失控的人员和退休人员福利成本使国防部陷入财务困境。美国空军上将唐纳德·霍夫曼(Donald Hoffman)最近将军事人员的成本与``吃豆人''(Pac-Man)进行了比较,后者正在吞噬其余的国防预算。今天的医疗保健费用消耗了国防预算的一半,并将继续占更大的份额。普纳罗说,结果将是一支“空心力量”,将享有丰富的应享权利,但未受过训练且没有足够的装备来打仗。这可能令美国人大吃一惊,他们中的大多数人都认为应该适当地酬谢军人和福利,大多数人员支出不会用于现役部队。国防部为330万现役人员和550万退休人员提供退休金和医疗保健费用。“我们正在努力使国防部成为可能偶尔杀死恐怖分子的福利公司,” Punaro说。他说,所有促使五角大楼破产的计划,其中一项已经成熟的改革是军事退休。 Punaro说,根据寿命和等级来支付福利是不合时宜的。该系统植根于第二次世界大战,当时起草了部队,只得到了微薄的报酬,政府试图鼓励他们坚持20年并获得丰厚的利益。现在,服务成员因在生产力最高时离开职业高峰而获得奖励。此外,自该系统投入使用以来,预期寿命已大大增加。普纳罗说,在60年内提供薪水和福利来为20人提供服务不是一种可持续的选择。



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