首页> 外文期刊>Mycopathologia >The Performance of Real-Time PCR, Galactomannan, and Fungal Culture in the Diagnosis of Invasive Aspergillosis in Ventilated Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)

The Performance of Real-Time PCR, Galactomannan, and Fungal Culture in the Diagnosis of Invasive Aspergillosis in Ventilated Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)


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Emerging reports have associated chronic pulmonary obstructive disease (COPD) with invasive aspergillosis (IA), particularly in patients treated with mechanical ventilation and/or corticosteroids. This is a multicentre study in which COPD patients demonstrating a new lung infiltrate while being mechanically ventilated were prospectively evaluated for the presence of IA. From the 47 patients studied, Aspergillus fumigatus was recovered in culture in two patients (4.2%). While serum galactomannan (GM) was negative for 94% of patients, GM levels in respiratory samples were >0.5, >1.0 and >1.5 for 74.5, 40.5, and 21.3% of patients, respectively. PCR was positive for 10 patients in the study but did not differentiate Aspergillus colonization from infection. The combination of PCR and GM in respiratory samples may be an interesting alternative to diagnose IA in COPD patients.
机译:新兴的报道将慢性肺阻塞性疾病(COPD)与侵袭性曲霉病(IA)相关联,尤其是在接受机械通气和/或皮质类固醇治疗的患者中。这是一项多中心研究,其中对表现为新的肺浸润并进行机械通气的COPD患者进行了前瞻性评估,以评估是否存在IA。从研究的47位患者中,有两名患者(4.2%)通过培养恢复了烟曲霉。 94%的患者的血清半乳甘露聚糖(GM)阴性,而74.5%,40.5%和21.3%的患者呼吸道样本中的GM水平分别> 0.5,> 1.0和> 1.5。该研究中10例患者的PCR阳性,但不能区分曲霉菌定植和感染。呼吸道样本中PCR和GM的组合可能是诊断COPD患者IA的有趣替代方法。



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