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Web-based image indexing and retrieval in JPEG compressed domain


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As the majority of content-based image retrieval systems operate on full images in pixel domain, decompression is a prerequisite for the retrieval of compressed images. To provide a possible on-line indexing and retrieval technique for those jpg image files, we propose a novel pseudo-pixel extraction algorithm to bridge the gap between the existing image indexing technology, developed in the pixel domain, and the fact that an increasing number of images stored on the Web are already compressed by JPEG at the source. Further, we describe our Web-based image retrieval system, WEBimager, by using the proposed algorithm to provide a prototype visual information system toward automatic management, indexing, and retrieval of compressed images available on the Internet. This provides users with efficient tools to search the Web for compressed images and establish a database or a collection of special images to their interests. Experiments using texture-and colour-based indexing techniques support the idea that the proposed algorithm achieves significantly better results in terms of computing cost than their full decompression or partial decompression counterparts. This technology will help control the explosion of media-rich content by offering users a powerful automated image indexing and retrieval tool for compressed images on the Web.
机译:由于大多数基于内容的图像检索系统都在像素域中对完整图像进行操作,因此解压缩是检索压缩图像的先决条件。为了为这些jpg图像文件提供可能的在线索引和检索技术,我们提出了一种新颖的伪像素提取算法,以弥补像素域中开发的现有图像索引技术与数量不断增加之间的差距。 Web上存储的图像中的图像已经在源上被JPEG压缩。此外,我们通过使用提出的算法来描述基于Web的图像检索系统WEBimager,以提供原型视觉信息系统,以自动管理,索引和检索Internet上可用的压缩图像。这为用户提供了有效的工具,可在Web上搜索压缩图像并建立数据库或满足其特殊需求的特殊图像集合。使用基于纹理和颜色的索引技术进行的实验支持以下思想:与完全解压缩或部分解压缩的方法相比,所提出的算法在计算成本方面实现了更好的结果。该技术将为用户提供功能强大的自动图像索引和检索工具,用于压缩Web上的压缩图像,从而有助于控制媒体内容的爆炸式增长。



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