首页> 外文期刊>Multimedia, IEEE Transactions on >Joint Source-Channel Coding and Optimization for Layered Video Broadcasting to Heterogeneous Devices

Joint Source-Channel Coding and Optimization for Layered Video Broadcasting to Heterogeneous Devices


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Heterogeneous quality-of-service (QoS) video broadcast over wireless network is a challenging problem, where the demand for better video quality needs to be reconciled with different display size, variable channel condition requirements. In this paper, we present a framework for broadcasting scalable video to heterogeneous QoS mobile users with diverse display devices and different channel conditions. The framework includes joint video source-channel coding and optimization. First, we model the problem of broadcasting a layered video to heterogeneous devices as an aggregate utility achieving problem. Second, based on scalable video coding, we introduce the temporal-spatial content distortion metric to build adaptive layer structure, so as to serve mobile users with heterogeneous QoS requirements. Third, joint Fountain coding protection is introduced so as to provide flexible and reliable video stream. Finally, we use dynamic programming approach to obtain optimal layer broadcasting policy, so as to achieve maximum broadcasting utility. The objective is to achieve maximum overall receiving quality of the heterogeneous QoS receivers. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the solution.



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