首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Electronic Imaging >Joint-source-channel coding scheme for scalable video-coding-based digital video broadcasting, second generation satellite broadcasting system

Joint-source-channel coding scheme for scalable video-coding-based digital video broadcasting, second generation satellite broadcasting system


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We propose a joint-source-channel coding (JSCC) schementhat can provide and sustain high-quality video service in spite of de-nteriorated transmission channel conditions of the second generationnof the digital video broadcasting (DVB-S2) satellite broadcasting ser-nvice. Especially by combining the layered characteristics of the SVCn(scalable video coding) video and the robust channel coding capabil-nity of LDPC (low-density parity check) employed for DVB-S2, a newnconcept of JSCC for digital satellite broadcasting service is devel-noped. Rain attenuation in high-frequency bands such as the Ka bandnis a major factor for lowering the link capacity in satellite broadcastingnservice. Therefore, it is necessary to devise a new technology to dy-nnamically manage the rain attenuation by adopting a JSCC schementhat can apply variable code rates for both source and channel cod-ning. For this purpose, we develop a JSCC scheme by combiningnSVC and LDPC, and prove the performance of the proposed JSCCnscheme by extensive simulations where SVC coded video is trans-nmitted over various error-prone channels with AWGN (additive whitenGaussian noise) patterns in DVB-S2 broadcasting service.
机译:我们提出了一种联合源信道编码(JSCC)方案,尽管第二代数字视频广播(DVB-S2)卫星广播服务的传输信道条件已经恶化,但该方案仍可以提供并维持高质量的视频服务。尤其是通过将SVCn(可伸缩视频编码)视频的分层特性与DVB-S2所采用的LDPC(低密度奇偶校验)的强大信道编码能力相结合,开发了用于数字卫星广播服务的JSCC新概念。点头。诸如Ka bandnis之类的高频带中的降雨衰减是降低卫星广播服务链路容量的一个主要因素。因此,有必要设计一种新技术来通过采用JSCC方案来动态管理降雨衰减,该方案可以将可变码率应用于源编码和信道编码。为此,我们通过结合nSVC和LDPC来开发JSCC方案,并通过广泛的仿真来证明所提出的JSCCnscheme的性能,在DVB- S2广播服务。


  • 来源
    《Journal of Electronic Imaging》 |2010年第4期|p.1-16|共16页
  • 作者单位

    Kwang-deok SeoWon Sup ChiYonsei UniversityComputer and Telecommunications Engineering DivisionWonju, Gangwon 220-710Republic of KoreaE-mail: kdseo@yonsei.ac.krIn Ki LeeDae-Ig ChangElectronics and Telecommunications Research InstituteYuseong-gu, Daejeon 305-700Republic of Korea;

  • 收录信息 美国《科学引文索引》(SCI);美国《工程索引》(EI);
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  • 正文语种 eng
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