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Total Gating': Sociality and the Fortification of Networked Spaces


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Starting with a description of Wynyard Park in Teesside, a development that combines gated residence, workplace and leisure space, 'fear of the other' is identified as a key but underexplored motivating force behind this kind of 'total gating', an argument based on existing empirical studies of gated communities. It is argued that a radical reading of Emmanuel Levinas' ethics of the other can do the explanatory work that would flesh out this allusion to fear: first, by reading the unknowable Levinasian other as repulsive in his/her threat to the individual's ontological security; and second, by making ontological insecurity fundamental to Levinas' account of ethical sociality. To conclude, this work is then situated in a mobility/moorings discourse.
机译:从Teesside的Wynyard公园的描述开始,该发展结合了封闭式住宅,工作场所和休闲空间,“对他人的恐惧”被认为是这种“总门控”背后的关键但未得到充分激发的动力,这一论点基于现有的封闭社区的经验研究。有人认为,对伊曼纽尔·列维纳斯(Emmanuel Levinas)的另一人的伦理学进行激进的解读,可以做一些解释性工作,充实这一典故,使人们感到恐惧:首先,通过阅读不为人知的列维纳斯主义他人,排斥他/她对个人本体论安全的威胁。第二,使本体论的不安全成为列维纳斯对道德社会性的解释的根本。总而言之,这项工作就位于流动性/系泊设备中。



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