
Shoot News


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It's 2011, and the beginning of a new year for the Pistol League. The Shoot Committee met on January 13th. Present were: Chris Fleming, John Sibley, Jill Kettleson, Ricfr Abraham, Kevin Vacura, Layne Lod-mell, Diane Nelson, and Greg Abraham (proxy for Greg Oldakowski). Not present: Don Wiebe and Wayne Hoffman.A couple of changes were made to this year's match calendar. It was decided to combine 2 area matches over the course of one weekend. This decision was ' agreed on to reduce driving time and $$$ in fuel. It would also reduce the number of weekends tied up for the matches to half of what they have been. Competitors will now be able to shoot on Saturday or Sunday or ideally both days. Those with the desire to make the ranks of the Governor's Top 20 will now be able to compete in the minimum required 4 matches over the course of 2 weekends vs. 4 weekends.
机译:这是2011年,是手枪联赛新的一年的开始。射击委员会于1月13日开会。出席者包括:克里斯·弗莱明(Chris Fleming),约翰·西布利(John Sibley),吉尔·凯特尔森(Jill Kettleson),里克弗·亚伯拉罕(Ricfr Abraham),凯文·瓦库拉(Kevin Vacura),莱恩·洛德·梅尔(Layne Lod-mell),黛安·尼尔森(Diane Nelson)和格雷格·亚伯拉罕(Greg Abraham)(格雷格·奥尔达科夫斯基的代表)。不存在:Don Wiebe和Wayne Hoffman。今年的比赛日历进行了一些更改。决定在一个周末的时间内合并2个区域比赛。这项决定获得了一致同意,以减少驾驶时间并节省燃油。这也将使比赛占用的周末时间减少到原来的一半。参赛者现在可以在周六或周日或理想的两天射击。那些希望跻身总督前20名的人现在将能够在2个周末对4个周末的过程中参加最少4场比赛。



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