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The Mildred Wirt Benson Digital Collection: Digitizing the Mysterious Nancy Drew Author

机译:The Mildred Wirt Benson数字收藏:数字化神秘的Nancy Drew作者

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The University of Iowa, first in the nation to offer advanced degrees for creative writing and home of the famed Iowa Writer's Workshop, has a long history of turning out many of America's best-known authors. However, one of the most popular and enduring novelists ever to have graduated from the Ul is hardly a household name. Mildred Wirt Benson, under the much more familiar pseudonym Carolyn Keene, wrote the first 23 Nancy Drew mystery novels. The longest-running juvenile fiction series ever, the series has sold over 200 million books, received translation into 25 languages, and inspired adaptation for numerous film and television versions. In 2007, staff of the Ul's Digital Library Services department embarked on a digitization project to provide clues to the mysterious author behind the beloved Nancy Drew character. The Mildred Wirt Benson Papers, donated by the author in 1994 before her death almost a decade later, is one of the most in-demand collections at the Ul's Iowa Women's Archives. With Nancy Drew's status as an iconic figure in American popular culture, the materials have been consulted by scholars of women's history, children's literature and American studies, as well as by many of the teen sleuth's more ardent fans. To better serve patrons both locally and worldwide, and to save on handling of the fragile original items, the Libraries decided to digitize the Benson papers, along with rare and unique related materials in the Ul's SDecial Collections.
机译:爱荷华大学是美国第一家提供创造性写作高级学位的大学,也是著名的爱荷华州作家工作室的所在地,其悠久的历史吸引了许多美国最著名的作家。但是,有史以来从Ul毕业的最受欢迎和持久的小说家之一几乎不是家喻户晓的名字。米尔德瑞德·维特·本森(Mildred Wirt Benson)以更广为人名的卡洛琳·基恩(Carolyn Keene)为名,撰写了前23本南希·德鲁的神秘小说。该系列是有史以来运行时间最长的青少年小说系列,已售出超过2亿本图书,接受了25种语言的翻译,并启发了其改编成许多电影和电视版本。 2007年,Ul的数字图书馆服务部门的工作人员着手进行数字化项目,以向心爱的Nancy Drew角色背后的神秘作者提供线索。作者在1994年捐赠的《米尔德瑞德·维特·本森论文》(Mildred Wirt Benson Papers)在其去世十年后才逝世,是Ul爱荷华州妇女档案馆中最受欢迎的收藏之一。凭借南希·德鲁(Nancy Drew)在美国流行文化中的标志性人物地位,这些材料已为女性历史,儿童文学和美国研究学者以及许多青少年侦探的热心粉丝们所查阅。为了更好地为本地和全球的顾客提供服务,并节省处理易碎原件的费用,图书馆决定将本森的论文以及Ul的SDecial收藏集中的稀有和独特的相关材料进行数字化处理。



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