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A practical metric for soft error vulnerability analysis of combinational circuits


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Besides the advantages brought by technology scaling, soft errors have emerged as an important reliability challenge for nanoscale combinational circuits. Hence, it is important for vulnerability analysis of digital circuits due to soft errors to take advantage of practical metrics to achieve cost-effective and reliable designs. In this paper, a new metric called Triple Constraint Satisfaction probability (TCS) is proposed to evaluate the soft error vulnerability of combinational circuits. TCS is based on a concept called Probabilistic Vulnerability Window (PVW) which is an inference of the necessary conditions for soft-error occurrence in the circuit. We propose a computation model to calculate the PVW's for all circuit gate outputs. In order to show the efficiency of the proposed metric, TCS is used in the vulnerability ranking of the circuit gates as the basic step of the vulnerability reduction techniques. The experimental results show that TCS provides a distribution of soft error vulnerability similar to that obtained with fault injections performed with HSPICE or with an event driven simulator while it is more than three orders of magnitude faster. Also, the results show that using the proposed metric in the well-known filter insertion technique achieves up to 19.4%, 34.1%, and 55% in soft error vulnerability reduction of benchmark circuits with the cost of increasing the area overhead by 5%, 10%, and 20%, respectively.
机译:除了技术扩展带来的优势外,软错误已成为纳米级组合电路的重要可靠性挑战。因此,对于由于软错误而导致的数字电路的脆弱性分析而言,重要的是要利用实际指标来实现具有成本效益的可靠设计。在本文中,提出了一种新的度量标准,称为三重约束满意概率(TCS),以评估组合电路的软错误脆弱性。 TCS基于称为概率漏洞窗口(PVW)的概念,该概念可以推断出电路中发生软错误的必要条件。我们提出了一个计算模型来计算所有电路门输出的PVW。为了显示所提出度量的效率,将TCS用于电路门的漏洞排名中,作为漏洞减少技术的基本步骤。实验结果表明,TCS提供的软错误漏洞分布类似于使用HSPICE或事件驱动模拟器执行的故障注入所获得的分布,但速度却快了三个数量级。而且,结果表明,在知名的滤波器插入技术中使用拟议的度量标准,可以降低基准电路的软错误脆弱性,分别达到19.4%,34.1%和55%的成本,而将面积开销增加5%的成本,分别为10%和20%。



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