首页> 外文期刊>Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy >‘Healthy Ageing’ policies and anti-ageing ideologies and practices: on the exercise of responsibility

‘Healthy Ageing’ policies and anti-ageing ideologies and practices: on the exercise of responsibility


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This paper explores how the exercise of the ethics of ‘responsibility’ for health care advanced through ‘healthy ageing’ and ‘successful ageing’ narratives in Western countries animates an array of ‘authorities’, including the ‘anti-ageing medicine’ movement as a strategy to address the anxieties of growing old in Western societies and as a tool to exercise the ethos of ‘responsibility’. The choice of this type of authority as a source of guidance for self-constitution and the exercise of the ‘responsible self’, this paper will argue, enables the enactment of a type of late modernity notion of citizenship for ageing individuals based on principles of agelessness, health, independence and consumption power. Through interviews with anti-ageing consumers, however, it is also possible to argue the existence of tensions and contradictions that such a rigid model of self-constitution in later life produces, and the potential forms of resistance and contestations that may emerge as a result. In this way the current ‘war on anti-ageing medicine’ (Vincent 2003) becomes also symptomatic of bigger ‘wars’ taking place not only between institutions competing for control over knowledge and management of ageing, but between those in favour and against the homogenisation of life under the language of universal science, reason and market rationality.
机译:本文探讨了如何通过西方国家通过“健康老龄化”和“成功老龄化”的叙事推进对医疗保健“责任”的道德操守,从而使一系列“权威”(包括“抗衰老医学”运动)成为动画。解决西方社会日益老龄化的焦虑的战略,并以此作为行使“责任”精神的工具。本文认为,选择这种类型的权威作为自我宪法指导的来源和“负责任的自我”的行使,可以使老龄化个人根据公民社会主义的原则制定一种较新的现代公民概念。不老,健康,独立和消费能力。然而,通过与抗衰老消费者的访谈,也可以论证这种紧张和矛盾的存在,这种僵化和僵化是晚年生活中这种僵化的自我建构模型产生的结果,以及由此产生的潜在抵抗和争斗形式。这样,当前的“抗衰老医学之战”(Vincent 2003)也成为更大的“战争”的征兆,不仅在争夺控制知识和管理衰老的机构之间,而且在赞成和反对同质化的机构之间发生普遍科学,理性和市场理性的语言下的生活。



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